Soppy Smurfling (Adult (200yrs old))



At the point of Smurfhood, Soppy was at her worst. She began seeing changes with her "physical form" and how the blue magic was "bursting" out. Whenever she became overwhelmed with emotion, she started glowing a light blue color and seemed to break everything she touched at an instant. Later, Soppy discovered that if she gets frightened, that she'll magically teleport a short distance away. She surely has strange gifts... While trying to control her newly discovered powers, she allowed the negative thoughts of being "a bunch of magic mashed together" take over, and reluctantly ran away from the village to protect the others.. She truly felt like a magical burden and wanted to accomplish something to prove herself worthy.

Eventually she found herself at Smurfy Grove where she asked Smurfstorm to train her in the arts of combat. Soppy believed the only way she could help herself and friends is if she became a true warrior. Storm agreed to instruct Soppy in the ways of battle, not necessarily knowing her true intentions. It started out rough, but eventually the magical smurfette learned how to properly defend herself from any sort of danger. Soppy actually enjoyed being able to fight, as it distracted her from thinking about the unpleasant thoughts and kept her magic from "bursting". eventually Storm instructed Windy to assist in Soppy's further training while she tended back to her old duties. Windy, being Storm's second-hand was happy to show Soppy more of their martial techniques.

Soppy becomes good friends with Windy from then on, as the two seemed to always practice their combat skills together. Soppy usually being the shield and Windy being the offense. It felt like a quick start, but the two developed together. However, their friendship is cut short when Soppy finds out that Windy is actually Storm and Smurfette's biological daughter via family portrait on the wall. This... conflicted Soppy greatly. The terrible thoughts of being a burden to everyone were swarming back and her magic began acting up again. She felt furious. "What am I?" She asked herself. "a fool for thinking my own 'mother' wanted me around... She already has her own perfect, little smurf, so why am I here!? Why cherish broken junk?!" Later on, Windy and Soppy began their training as per usual. But a fire within Soppy's heart fuels her rage and she strikes using her magic. Luckily Windy blocked the attack with a shield, but became fascinated by Soppy's unexpected abilities. "Hey! Where'd ya learn to smurf that??" She asked with curiosity. Soppy responded by hurling another magic attack, this time breaking Windy's shield. Windy brings out her boomerangs which collides with Soppy's magical projectiles. 

Meanwhile, Smurfette begins to worry about Soppy's prolonged disappearance in the village (it's been many months) and visits Vexy's hut to ask if she's seen her lately. Vexy shakes her head, stating that she's been preoccupied with her crystal studies. Smurfette explains the possibly dire situation, believing Soppy to be in danger as a result for being gone for so long. Vexy is still unbothered by the absence, but reassures Smurfette that the two of them can look for her in the forest. The two soon pack their essentials and wander the forest for their lost child. Within a couple of hours, the search was draining, as they've had no luck. Smurfette felt guilty for not checking up on Soppy sooner, but also wanted to give her some alone time. Vexy calms Smurfette and explains that it's not her fault, and attempts to reassure her that she's probably in good hands. After a short rest, a loud bang was heard in the distance, causing various animals to flee past the two smurfs. Vexy points out that the ruckus sounded like it came from Smurfy Grove.