Fletcher and Sashi (Bandverse)



8 months, 30 days ago


Eccentric paramedic. They always seem to appear when you need them, but they're terrible at texting back.

Names: Fletcher O'Connell, Fletch
Ancestry: aasimar
Nationality: Native American/Irish
Gender: nonbinary
Pronouns: they/them
Age: 25
Birthday: Feburary 5th (aquarius)
Height: 6'4
Role: Paramedic
Sexuality: Bisexual, probably aromantic
Partner(s): none
Trick: Healing, low level

Appearance: Fletcher has a very lean and toned body type and stands at 6'4. The have medium brown skin and what first appears as vitilligo across their face and body, though instead of pink it is toned more yellow and if you watch them close enough the markings move of their own accord. They have an angular face and prominent nose, once broken. Their eyes are honey coloured and all the hair on their body is white-gold. They have healed top surgery scars on their chest.
Their hair is very long and usually tied in a loose ponytail, and it's seems to float if it were underwater, especially if Fletcher is particularly emotional. They have short stubble along their jaw, they love how they look with a beard but get frustrated that they're often mistaken for a binary man when sporting it.
They are hard of hearing and use hearing aids, they wear a pair of pearl earrings and have an orbital piercing on their left ear.
They dress in comfortable masculine clothing, usually plaid and denim. They tend to style themself as a cowboy. 

Personality: Fletcher's personality is... complicated.
They are always fairly soft spoken and scared of confrontation, but they are very different when in a quiet setting than in a group.
If you catch them on their own they are pleasant and attentive, even cheeky. They are physically affectionate towards their friends and give great hugs, but they often find it quite difficult to properly empathize with or read other people despite their best efforts.
In a crowd they are very unlikely to contribute to a conversation, both from their anxiety and the difficulty they have processing whats been said due to their poor hearing. Often when they feel themselves losing track they zone out entirely until someone checks in on them. Mostly this is a little frustrating for them, but in the right environment they quite like to tune out and just listen to the rumble of their friends voices instead of their words, quite content.  

They also have another alternate personality, who is complicated by angel magic. This facet of them is called Sashi and uses She/Her pronouns. Sashi is very cold and impartial, but protective. Fletcher is nervous of her because they often have gaps in their memory of their times living as her, but know that she is safe. She only appears in situations of high stress, if they're hurt or after a nightmare. 

When treating someone or healing them, Fletcher is able to keep impressively calm and level headed.
They are very polite and hate to swear, but can deliver a good backhanded compliment if needed.

Background/Family: Fletcher had a very isolated upbringing, living on a farm with only their dad Will and then later step-mother Madeline up until they were 21. As a baby they were taken far into the countryside by their father, escaping Fletcher's abusive birth mother. They kept low profiles and Will was very slow to trust Madeline, a friendly woman from the nearest village, but eventually they fell in love and she became a good mother to Fletcher.
They were a very lonely child, even though they were at home with the animals they always found themselves wishing for a sibling.
As a young adult they decided they wanted to leave home and study as a student paramedic. This would put their knowledge of medicine they had learnt through treating the animals on the farm and their trick to good use, in a way which would help other people. Hopefully they could make some friends while they were at it too! Their dad was reluctant at first through his protectiveness, but Fletcher eventually got through to him with Madeline on their side.
Very recently they got their wish and their parents had a daughter called Casey. This happened so late because of Madeline having fertility problems. Fletcher adores Casey but they can't help but feel robbed that she only came into their life when they were an adult and moved far away. They still visit whenever they can though.

Skills/Hobbies: They are very athletic and have a knack for most sports, being both strong and fast. It does often take them a good few tries to understand the rules however. They love horses and have been riding since they were a child and have an affinity with most animals.
They frequent gay clubs and bars and find solace and comfort in the community. They were never given a hard time growing up for being queer, but they did feel alone in it. They go more for the social side than much else, but can be convinced to dance or be taken back to your place.
They're also SICK at competitive games but they always have the voice chat off. They have some drawing skills specializing in landscapes and animal portraits. They can't draw people.
They can make a perfect hot chocolate.
First aid, obviously. 

- Aliens!
- Horses
- Cacti and succulents
- The feeling of belonging when being around other queer people
- Stargazing

- Bad aliens
- Trying to keep up with group conversations
- Their hair. But also cutting their hair
- Bodies of water. They can't swim
- Confrontation

They might have a gun? That's a rumour.
They broke their nose falling off a horse as a teenager.
They smell REALLY nice.
They loved YA fiction growing up and read constantly. They probably named themself after a book protagonist, it has that kind of ring to it.
They're a sad drunk.
They have a dog called Rupert, an elderly Irish setter. 

Song: People - AJJ