Aelius Drayson // Heliodor



6 years, 5 months ago


Name: Aelius Drayson

Nickname: ---

Age: 19

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 180 lbs

Birthday: January 2nd

Sign: Capricorn

Gemstone:  Garnet

Blood Type: O Negative

Fav. Food: Sushi. Only high grade sushi. That cheap shit has no taste.

Hated Food: Pizza. It’s just messy and greasy.

School: Sovereign Heights Prep School



Piano: A hobby that has manifested into a love, Aelius began playing when he was a child. At first, it had been a shaky start. His love for the instrument was something that needed to be cultivated. After many lessons, tutors, and tantrum, Aelius eventually began to find his interest in the instrument. Perhaps it wasn’t something he’d ever want to pursue past anything but a hobby, but it was a hobby that now brought him joy and helped ease a troubled mind

Ballet: Due to his mother’s insistence, Aelius had been placed in a ballet class once old enough. It didn’t take long for his love of the art to blossom into something that quickly outgrew the hobby category and into an obsession. His interest in ballet had him seek higher training and thankfully there was easy access to a local ballet company. As such, Aelius now interns and learns at the Destiny City Ballet enjoying his hobby and line of work.

Shopping: Aelius is a creature of comfort. He enjoys the best of the best and that was well ingrained in him while growing up. So, when time permits or he feels bored, Aelius will happily spend time out and about shopping. After all, he couldn’t possibly be seen wearing the same thing twice to any event, and really, more is much, much better in his opinion.



Patient: Aelius is a young man who understands the need to just sit back and wait. It’s a trait that was trained into him with his parents. After all, things were done on their schedule and no one else’s. So, there were many times he was forced to sit at dinner meetings or await their presence somewhere. As a child, he quickly learned that fidgeting wasn’t ok and that he was expected to act like a perfect little ‘adult’. So, he quickly caught onto the need to act patient and reserved.

Disciplined: with hobbies like Ballet, it’s understandable why Aelius can be so disciplined in his ventures. Everything took time and effort. Everything. There is nothing worth getting in life that is easy, so working hard at something will always get you the wanted result. As long as you keep at it and push hard. Time would eventually bare fruit to whatever he pursued. Learning ballet and piano were both very strict exercises of this virtue. After all, it took years to get to the point he was at in both arts.



Unforgiving: Once. That’s all it takes. A single slight against him and Aelius will hold that grudge against you until the day that he dies. Sure, he can pretend to play nice. Even make you think he’s forgotten whatever it was you did to him, but don’t let that fool you. One day it will come back to bite you in the ass when you least expect it. Like an elephant, Aelius never forgets and he will never, ever, forgive you.

Arrogant: He thinks he is God’s gift to earth. He’s handsome, talented, and rich. What else could people want? The way he walks and talks just oozes arrogance and lack of knowledge outside of his own little ‘bubble’ of home life and schooling. Just give him a moment to talk to you about himself and he will effectively talk your ear off.



Eyes: Angular, smaller and a golden in color but towards the more orange side.

Hair: Purple, longish (shoulder length in the back), smooth, touseled, whispy

Face: Oval shaped, no freckles or blemishes, angular shape, defined jawline, pale skin tone

Clothes: Casual but stylish



Senshi: Corrupt Sailor Heliodor, Senshi of Ryuto

Challenge: Come into the light!

Fuku Colour: Black
Main Color: gold
Secondary Color: red

Fuku: A mix of fantasy and traditional japanese

Sailor Scout Attack:  Golden Lights
Heliodor blows on the tip of his index finger and 8 small, golden balls of light appear around the battlefield (10 feet in diameter around Heliodor). They work as distractions by floating in place. If touched, the ball will rapidly grow to the size of a watermelon. When the ball reaches it's maxed size it bursts in a small flash into steaming hot water, dousing the victim. The water can give a person the sensation of being mildly burned (Any further damage is at players discretion) wherever it touches. If the balls are not touched within 30 seconds they will dissipate on their own.

Super Sailor Scout Attack: Dancing Golden Lights
Heliodor blows on the tip of his index finger and 8 small, golden balls of light appear around the battlefield (20 feet in diameter around Heliodor). They can act as distractions as they move about the field at a moderate pace. When one of them is touched all of them will immediately begin to grow in size and upon reaching their full capacity will burst in a flash of light and douse any enemies in range with scalding hot water creating the sensation of moderate burning (Any further damage is up to the player) wherever the water hits.[/strike]

Eternal Sailor Attack: Dragon’s Maw
Heliodor flings up to 3 golden ball of light into the air, one for each target. Each ball drops and is absorbed into the ground as if the ground was water. From the ground directly below his targets, a dragon made of light will emerge and ‘engulf’ the enemy within its gullet. Hot water surrounds the enemy and pushes it way into the enemies mouth and nose effectively making them feel as if they were drowning in the hot water (Can create lasting effects of external burns, coughing, wheezing, sore lungs, etc if the player so chooses). This lasts for 30 seconds before the water completely dissipates.