Fortuna Taro



2 years, 6 days ago


belongs to Gallifrey on CS.

[ Mythical Infinite Breedings ]

[ Legendary Wings Passed: [1/3] times ]

1 - xxx + xxx
2: xx 

Additional Power = Future Sight - This sima uses a mix of mind powers and hallucinogenic spores (plant growth) to go into a special trance. Using their ability while in this trance, they can see into someone’s future (any part) for a duration of 1 minute. This has a 5 day cooldown after use, where the sima is weak, prone to headaches, and mostly powerless until their magic regenerates. The ability can alternatively be used to bring about short, involuntary (They cannot control them) visions of the future for a period time. The sima usually cannot see these clearly, accurately decipher to whom they relate, or control when they start and stop. The only real benefits to this mode are it’s longer duration and easier access to multiple visions quickly, rather than waiting for a cooldown, although the headaches are more intense. The sima's jewel and eyes can glow (Only if also in possession of light powers!) when using this power. (They cannot use this power to in any way alter the future!!)