Damien Knight / Vox Nocturnus



Ain't no fairytale what I see in your eyes
Awaiting your mistake - not too close, not too far...

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Damien Knight, 29, codename Vox Nocturnus. The former right-hand man of the Big Bad. With his ability to melt into the shadows at a whim, he was the perfect spy to send to gather intel on the faltering superhero resistance. His eyes were opened to the damage and misery that the Big Bad was causing on one such mission, and he soon became an anonymous informant, leaking info on the Big Bad's future plans. When the Big Bad found out what he was doing they ordered him killed, and he ran to the heroes for safety.

Away from the Big Bad's influence, the cold-hearted operative became something of a gentle giant. He's surprisingly kind and soft-spoken, and he appreciates a good pun. He's very skittish around the heroes and they don't really trust him yet (and they shouldn't, not this early) but he hopes to reach some sort of camaraderie with them. He's also discovered a talent for baking.