



Emilio is an amphibian Norn based on the concept art of the Aqua Norn that was to be in the (cancelled) Creatures Online game. He's a character that's good on the inside, but very bad at being good. He's a slick, untrustworthy street performer that has a knack for getting both anyone around him and himself into trouble. While many norns are eccentric, Emilio is unique in that the way he moves is entirely based on dance and theatre. So even when they are all expressing, he stands out amongst them. Where even standing still are positions taken from dramas of old, or dance (both from around the world). Also just general awkwardness as a wet bare skinned Frog amongst...well...whatever the fuck regular Norns are (monotremes???).

While untrustworthy, he still has a deep heart, who just wants to be loved and trusted even when he has difficulty being... well... trustworthy in any sense. He tries his best to show it even if it often ends up in failure (often in form of backfiring) where he's villainized for his streetrat ways. He's an anxious soul, who has extreme(explosive) ups and downs because he's emotionally conflicted. 

He's also my new nornsona now that things have changed over the years (it used to be Bryony).