


6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info




He's never really thought about it





  • Abrasive
    • He's sort of brash and snappy
    • Not very good at being "understanding" 
      • He's caring just in a different way. Just not good at showing that sort of thing.
  • Hates when people say he's not suited to be a painter/artist
    • Just because he's a bit aggressive sometimes doesn't mean "He can't fucking paint." (The words he likes to use)
    • He enjoys art and it's one of his escapes so he doesn't like people making fun of it
    • It's fun for him
      • Plus it's sort of his stress reliever
  • The sort of person to act first, think later
    • This can sort of get him into trouble but if someone is pissing him off he'll punch them first then think about the consequences
      • Now this is a little different when it comes to very sensitive situations. 
        • Ex. when he doesn't want to hurt someone he genuinely cares about by punching someone they care about who is pissing him off.
        • He'll usually bite his tongue and shove his hands in his pockets to keep from doing things.
  • Sometimes a bit too expressive with his emotions
    • It mostly shows through his art since he likes to take it out there but there are cases where he can explode
      • Aka: The act first think later thing
    • It's pretty rare that he will explode but when he does oh boy....
  • Enjoys moments alone with his music when he can just think a bout things for a bit.
    • Not that he doesn't enjoy people he just likes his alone time.
      • Knows how to appreciate his alone time is a better way to put it.
  • Selfish
    • He's more likely to put his priorities first