


2 years, 3 months ago


•shy + timid nature

•quiet, voice is hoarse when he does speak since he hardly does

•he's naturally very gentle

•takes care of his dragon friends, stationed mainly to protect weak or injured ones

born into being a dragon/human hybrid, voltaire didn't grow up with anyone his species. he grew up around dragons, some being maternal to him, most being neutral, a few hostile to something so strange. he still considered them all to be his family- with no idea who his real parents were since he was alone when he hatched. he grew up watching many members of this family die or be mortally wounded by dragon-slayers who called themselves heroes of the human species. 

when he was an adolescent, he found a prisoner the dragons had kept- a human- trying to escape. with very keen memory, he knew this human was innocent, and decided to aid their escape. he didn't want to reveal himself so he assisted from the shadows- distracting dragons, subtly showing them the right tunnels to take, until he saw the human nearly treading into a lair where they'd surely be killed. knowing they needed his help, voltaire sprung out and grabbed them, pulling them back and trying to keep them quiet. they panicked and flailed, so voltaire tried to cover their mouth- hold them- anything to keep them quiet and safe. he ended up on top of them, holding both sides of their head- locked eyes, trying to calm them down. voltaire's own panic increasing, he squeezed harder and harder- until.... his claws... it was an accident, but then their head was leaking blood over the cave ground, and his claws were stained dark crimson. voltaire sobbed. he hadn't meant to! he was a monster! but when the dragons found him, he was celebrated... they thought he'd protected them from an intruder but he'd really murdered in cold blood.

voltaire hates killing humans, but from then on he became the dragons' defender. his humanoid form makes him far less obvious as a target for dragon hunters, and he could defend weak or injured dragons outside of the lair. still, he considers himself a murderer regardless of if they were bad people. he still yearns to have a proper human friend one day.