


6 years, 5 months ago


Grimoire || the adventurous

【 Name 】 Grimoire Blias
【 Age 】 24
【 Gender 】 Male
【 Race 】 High Orian
【 Alignment 】 Lawful neutral
【 Occupation 】 High mage
【 Status 】 Taken
【 Theme 】 WIP

At first glance, Grimoire seems like a terribly active and moderately annoying guy; someone who you'd be friends with but never contact them because they're too over the top to deal with for long periods of time. And that's exactly what he is. His love for being active leads him on many adventures, usually dragging along his closest friend Gus, and the two of them getting in lots of trouble time and time again. This never deters Grim, however, as he'll happily go out again the next day to a new destination. He tends to stick to the more forested areas of Oriaelia, especially the Blue Forest where Gus hails from, though he has been spotted wandering the deserts in search of lost treasures.

Sed sagittis urna ut nisi fringilla imperdiet. Nam posuere quam neque, sed maximus leo sodales quis. Maecenas felis magna, gravida eget ex sit amet, congue luctus enim. Nulla tempus ligula eu arcu tempor, vitae laoreet elit mattis. Integer vitae sagittis ante. Phasellus vel felis mauris. Morbi vestibulum, quam sed luctus porttitor, augue ipsum feugiat enim, sed finibus lectus enim et est. Donec id sollicitudin purus. Aenean faucibus ante blandit nunc pellentesque, quis tincidunt nunc tincidunt. Quisque at ultrices diam, vel dapibus erat. Donec in quam eu magna convallis scelerisque et sit amet nulla. In pellentesque justo vitae libero tempor, ut viverra lacus imperdiet.

At home, Grimoire is significantly less outgoing and more calm, but he's certainly not one to just sit back and watch the world go by. As a high mage, he constantly takes time to focus on training his magic (being shadow-based, it's one of the harder elements to develop), in case he gets called out to fight. His magic isn't something he enjoys showing off, because it can be devastating to witness, but he genuinely loves learning new spells and new ways to harness the darkness.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis in viverra diam. Aenean ut odio diam. Vestibulum commodo erat vitae neque tristique, at eleifend eros egestas. Morbi id mollis ex, quis placerat augue. Curabitur elementum urna purus, in vulputate mauris finibus in. Nulla imperdiet, nisi sit amet feugiat vulputate, ante nunc scelerisque ipsum, a luctus augue lorem non erat. Quisque tincidunt luctus fermentum. Quisque vel nisi arcu. Sed pulvinar faucibus facilisis.

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