Ming Jie



2 years, 9 hours ago


Ming Jie
Royal & the Serpent

01 — Profile

Name Ming Jie
Nicknames N/A
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Height 1.70m
Birthdate Dic 31th
Species Nine tail Kitsune
Orientation. Demisexual
Occupation Tea sommelier

Status Single
Designer Amphyz
02 — Personality

Ming Jie has anxiety problems, he gets overwhelmed easily. He has many panic attacks throughout the day, however, he is a master apparent that he has none.

Since his family demands a high standard of education and behavior, he is always calm (on the exterior) and educated, with high etiquette protocols. He will always treat you kindly and educated.

  • Books

  • Silence

  • Romantic and fantasy novels

  • Jasmine Tea

  • Noise

  • Coffee

  • Fast Food

  • Dirt

03 — Background


He comes for a long and powerful line of kitsunes. His family is one of the best producers of tea in Jiangnan, China, especially green, black, and oolong teas. Their teas have won awards and they are considered one of the best herbs in China.

Ming Jie is the oldest of four brothers, he learned everything from his grandfather, the production, the taste, the different scents... He kept the business for many years. Learning from the years to the present, he became a professional tea sommelier and educated his brothers on the topic. When he got his 9th tail, he knew it was his time to retire from their tea lands and let his brothers continue with the legacy, that way he could experiment and taste new ways of tea. He left Jiangnan and moved to Shanghai where he started a small tea house where people could relax and meditate.

One day while he was on his way to a meet-up with a friend, he sensed that someone was slowly following him, softly he felt how this person was pulling out his wallet, trying to steal it. Easily, Ming jie turned and grabbed hold of this person's hand. He noticed it was a young person, around 15 years old. He saw it tired, dirty, and scared. The child saw his serious eyes, he started to cry, terrified. Ming Jie noticed how desperate this kid was, his name was Bao Shuin. Shuin started telling him how awful and hard his situation was. Jie took Shuin to his home, gave him food, a bath, and clothes, and let him rest. After seeing this poor child having a peaceful time, he decided to take care of him. Later that day he proposed to Shuin to stay with him, so he could educate and take care of him, and Bao accepted. Ming Jie went to see Bao's parents and after offering them a large amount of money, they accepted and gave custody of Shuin to Jie. Jie took care of Shuin as his own son, he gave Bao a proper education and made him a worthy man..

One morning a friend of Jie visited their small tea shop, Xu Zhang, who was visiting China for a concert tour, gave Jie the idea of opening a Tea house out of China, and suggested Costa Rica, a country full of exotic flavors with which he could experiment new teas and infusions. Since that time Bao was already an adult, he asked him if he wished to move with him to Costa Rica he accepted without thinking about it.

Now both of them live in Costa Rica, where they opened a new Tea House. Ming Jie tries to relax as much as possible but always likes to experiment with the exotic and fruity flavors of this rich country.

Bao Shuin

Bao Shuin has become a very important part of this life. He has shown Bao as much as he can, and he has taken Shuin on a good path in life. During their time together, he has shown him the secrets of tea and how to be a good sommelier.

Jie knows that Shuin admires him, and is aware that Shuin has developed more than just "admiration" for him, however, Jie can't help to see him as his child or student.


Since his family required him to be perfect, he developed a strong anxiety and it is easily triggered. He has always been punished by his family for showing any vulnerability. He learned to keep his panic and anxiety attacks to himself and to avoid any indications of it on the surface.

He is a strong overthinker and he struggles to be at peace, been tea and music being his only way to distract himself from thinkin more than he should. His friend Xu Zhang helps him to keep calm with Guquin music, which brings him internal peace.

Bao Shuin has to remind him of his sleep medication since Jie won't be able to sleep at all without his medication. When he doesn't take them, Jie can pass days without sleeping at all.

04 — Trivia

  • He has published multiply books

  • Every morning he goes to a close by park to practive Tai Chi

  • He loves desserts

  • Staying home and read a book its his definition of a good day

05 — Relationships

Bao Shuin

--He's just a baby!--

Xu Zhang

He met up Xu Zhang when Xu was a child. His family was in charge of a temple in Jiangnan. Jie gifted him a Guquin and helped him on his music career