


6 years, 5 months ago


Fei is the older sister of Ka.

Running a gang as a form of rebellion against the Reality Warriors since they're going too over board and she's a firm believer that the world doesn't need them to govern and rule everything. To her, the way things are being run need to for the people, by the people. Despite seeing that the Reality Warriors aren't all bad, she is well aware that their guidance is gradually making them into monsters rather than true protectors & enforcers of peace. Though the Trackers aren't exactly perfect in of themselves, Fei sees that they deserve a chance for those who sincerely want to integrate with society. YET...she also sees that some of them only have one directive and desire destruction in some shape &/or form. In a way, it gets to her a great deal how the Reality Warriors and Trackers are essentially one and the same in their own right, yet so many of them can't come to a proper middle ground. With force, she gets her point across and no one will stand in her way. Just because the vast majority of her people are pretty much called peaceful hippies with a great deal of spiritual power, she's a far cry from a stereotype.