Interested in smol childย 

already sold sorry

Oh also my phone doesn't have the password, I'm sorry I read your tos like, 3 times them didn't know what to do cuz I can't put the password then panicked, sorry

Edit nvm I'm stupid I literally thought you meant an emoji of a frog and not the word frog I'm so sorry

Btw I can do some doodles for em if you'd like ^^

How many doodles are you offering? Sadly I dont give freebies away for free to anyone who has their character count hidden.ย 

I can do like, up to 5-10 color digital doodles :3ยยยย 

I would accept Art of these guy! Sorry If I donโ€™t respond sooner, Im on a cruise ship and sadly it doesnโ€™t have the best wifi.ย 

Ok cool!! Want a doodle of each? And no worries idm ^^

yes ty! iโ€™ll put this character as pending^^

4 Replies

Hnghnvv I'd love him so much omg ๐Ÿ˜ญ

He'd be a Skaven Nurgle on my Blood Bowl team. He's a blitzer and loves being close in the action. He gets injured a lot, more than other Blitzers, but usually gets up quickly to get back to messing up the opposing team.

He has had to miss a few games due to injuries, but he works really hard to recover enough to get back as soon as he can.

His worst injury was two broken ribs which cost him the rest of the season, but he fully recovered afterwards.

He's pretty fast compared to other Nurgle's, in part due to his past when he needed to run away from dangers before he turned to worshipping Nurgle and joined a Blood Bowl team.

(Btw I'd name his Skormle, and he's a stinky little man who loves trash and stale bread :3)