
Personal Data
Kyoko Kazuma
U.A. Alumni
Blood Type
Sweets, flowers, fish
Fighting Style
Uses a lot of tools in tandem with her quirk, prefers speed over power, uses quite a bit of legwork.
Hero's Status

Despite having quite the rough past, Kyoko seems to have bounced back fairly well, being chatty and sociable with her friends. However, she's still quite skittish, and can often come off as awkward and a bit of a loser to others, but otherwise means well. Depending on how high her charge is, her demeanor can range from energetic and pumped up to lethargic and lazy.


Electricity Sapping
Can draw in electricity from external sources and store it within her body, to either discharge again as pure electricity, or transfer it into a different source. Can drain power from appliances such as laptops, phones, or anything with a battery or can otherwise store energy within them.
Similarly to how the user can drain electricity from certain sources, they are also able to give charge back. By simply holding a charger or other power transfer device between fingers or teeth, the user can actually transfer electricity from their own body to the connected source. This is handy on your own, but can be a little annoying if everyone's hitting you up for a charge.

User can draw electricity from external sources and store it for internal or external use, amplifying it upon discharge. However, the user needs a certain amount of "charge" to remain functional, as running low on energy can result in lethargy, weakness and sleepiness. As such, discharging electricity all at once is a very risky move unless a reliable source of energy is nearby. User can charge by exposing themselves to live wires, or by coming into direct contact with a charged transfer device. The easiest way to obtain energy on a casual basis is simply to bite down onto a charging cord for awhile. This can even be done while sleeping. Additionally, the user can only take and/or release so much energy at once. Overpowering one's body can result in an "overclock", where electricity is forcefully discharged from the body all at once, causing the user to lose conciousness for a while. Kyoko's hero suit has breakers in place to keep this from happening, but they can be disabled in an emergency.
  • Ability
    User can discharge pure electricity up to six feet in front of them. The power of the shock directly connects to how much energy the user puts into the attack, and can range from small shocks to knock-you-off-your-feet blows. Of course, the release of a lot of power will cause the user to weaken themselves significantly, so it's best if there's a backup supply on hand for extreme combat situations.
Super Moves

The user utilizes all electricity stored in their body to supercharge their cells, allowing for much faster movement speed, enhanced muscle performance and peak cognitive processing. This can be extremely tiring, and does not last for a while. The longest Kyoko has ever continuously used Lightspeed is 5 minutes, and afterwards she was left passed out for almost an hour.
  • Overclock
    An extremely destructive move that is only used as a last resort. By circulating energy at maximum speed and discharging it all at once, a massive explosion is triggered with the user at its center. While its attack power is incredible, it leaves the user completely vulnerable afterwards, making it a hail-mary move that can only be used if it's guranteed a victory. Kyoko has only used this move twice, the first time leaving her with branching lichtenberg scars across her back, and the second drastically weakening her ability to hold onto a neutral charge.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Arcu non sodales neque sodales.
Name | Relationship
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Arcu non sodales neque sodales.