


2 years, 3 days ago


Personality: Arrogant and full of himself, a king in his own mind and right, depending on who he is around. He can be shy and passive– He’s kind to those who he deems worthy. He shows off his colors and has a goal in his life to take the current Megalosaurus, ‘Loki’s’ spot as Alpha. However, it is mostly play as the bigger male is.. Much larger. At the moment!

His mates consist of three lovely female megs that he cares for in their own special way:

His goth girlfriend: Arcana, where they can be seen bickering back and forth, there is a love there that noone can replace.

His Neon Goddess: Neon, Hyperactive and sweet, he cares about her, they are a very loving group.

His Pastel Goddess: Aphrodite, a newest member of his pack, he loves her and will protect her while she grows to be a proper mate to him, he is protective over her.


Ra came from the egg a bright and glowing creature, many siblings he has, but only a few would glow like he. He is often seen with his head held high, and his chest puffed, a small alpha in his own mind and stands tall to make sure things are correct in his existence. He shines like the sun and enjoys making people around him laugh, however, he has a judgmental look to him and often is gazing down at others, not that he is attempting to be that, but, the golden eyes of Ra are always watching.

During his adventures he found himself at a party, where he fell across the current Alpha of the megalosaurus pack. Eventually he will want to challenge to be the big boy on campus, but, for now he will continue to grow stronger until that time has happened. He found the alpha to be… interesting, due to the massive size of him alone. He also in his travels has gained an unlikely friend in the form of an Apato that he only knows as Dadpa, a rather large and intimidating man, however, passive and only wanting to take care of his eggs and his mate, which Ra could respect, so he avoids making the giant herbivore angry by any means. He has also found himself with a mate! A complete opposite creature then himself. She is spunky, neon green and rather hyper, and he wouldn’t trade her at all. He also has a few other mates that he does care about, Ghost, a giant biolumi T-rex who he has gotten close to, and a sassy megalo female named Arcana, Each of them mean something to him, a few he might be a little bitchy with, but that is just how his life is.