
6 years, 5 months ago



  • Name: Ciara
  • Species: Cait Sidhe
  • Occupation: Stylist, Online Shopkeep
  • Hobbies: DJ, Mixtape Maker, Kizomba, Collecting Nail Polish, Retro Video Games


Cait Sidhe is a style blogger and stylist with an online shop specializing in retro and ret-faux 80s and 90s gear.  She is always on the hunt for new pieces in thrift shops and at garage sales and has a keen eye for artists working in her aesthetic who can be tapped to make exclusive graphics for her tee lines.  She often prowls the shops with Brooke, a Rusalka.  In her off hours, Cait Sidhe puts does a bit of DJing and puts out monthly mixtapes that tie into her current clothing collection.

When not making mad bank off her eye for the 80's and 90's aesthetic, she can be found strutting her stuff on the dance floor or giving herself yet another manicure as she works through her fabulous collection of nail polish.

Drawing Pointers:

  • Ciara is covered in a short fur, but this can be downplayed for stylistic purposes.
  • Ciara prefers Bantu Knots for her style, but any braided style is fair game.
  • Go bright and 90's for her outfits--lots of jewel colors, purples and pinks especially.  Ciara loves to go bold!