


1 year, 10 months ago


This character and everything else is a work in progress! Information may be missing or incomplete. For now, enjoy what I can offer you :D

Andromeda (Medea)

Name: Andromeda

Physical Age: Mid 20s

Species: Dream Charmer

Height: Gigantically Tall

Nickname: Medea

Gender: Female

Dream Slot: #026

Theme: Galaxy Goddess

Of course [I get insecure]. However, I'm not perfect. I think that's what we all need to remind ourselves with

A gentle giant who is made for an insecure child in need of self love.
She takes the theme of a galaxy goddess after the child's love of galaxies and mythological giants.

  • Hugs
  • Stars
  • Mythology
  • Self-Love
  • Bullies
  • Self-hate
  • Society
  • Close-minded People
  • Although she stands higher than Mount Everest of Earth, she can shrink herself if need be.
  • She is actually quite shy, but she's an affectionate person.
  • Her love language is physical touch so if you come to her for a hug, she would give a little squeeze when hugging back.
  • She gets flustered quite easily with compliments, but wouldn't give no emotion for those who would talk shit about her features

Design Notes:

  • The orbs on her would float about and around no matter what she does.
  • The lotus on her chest is a gem and it's not optional.
  • She can be drawn without her clothes, as long as the nudity is barbie nudity.

Dream Charmer:

When her child was greeted by her, they were understanably shocked at how gigantic she was. Yet they couldn't contain their amazement when her hair enveloped the sky with the colors of the purple galaxy they saw in a book. When she wear her dress, it's like the galaxy was there to visit them. And when she looked down at the child, they weren't scared at all.

She was named after Andromeda by the galaxy itself however the child also called her Medea after the Greek play by Euripides. After founding out that their "imaginary friend" can also shrink to human height, the first thing that they did was give her a hug. Something that they couldn't get quite often. With also a very insecure mindset due to their features and society, Andromeda took it upon herself to always show them the importance of self love.


An open-minded woman who likes to make a positive outlook on life. Although she can give off a confident demeanor, she's actually quite a shy guardian. She's a little over-protective of her child, but only because of the child's unfortunate experiences, and the fact they're accident prone.


Vestibulum et diam metus. Quisque molestie ipsum quis urna dapibus, eget pellentesque metus tincidunt. Quisque eleifend lorem nec risus volutpat tristique. Integer et arcu dui. Nunc ac justo eget purus viverra malesuada. Maecenas gravida risus enim, non sagittis neque fermentum a. Nam auctor justo quam. Suspendisse orci magna, commodo vitae tincidunt dignissim, convallis tincidunt justo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nibh ligula, viverra id felis tempus, lacinia dapibus ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nibh ligula, viverra id felis tempus, lacinia dapibus ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla nibh ligula, viverra id felis tempus, lacinia dapibus ante.