


6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




Not picky.






Personality: Ict primarily keeps to himself - he finds that the longer he's around people, especially those who are not naturally magical - the more often Ict is flirted with. Not because he, himself, is sexually forward but because of the general nature and pheromones that his body exudes. While a sexually promiscuous/open guy, who doesn't mind one night stands, Ict is not someone who is fully comfortable with being openly flirted with by the majority of the world.. and prefers to keep that to a minimum. Ict enjoys casual conversation and can usually get in and out of an area before his pheromones kick in too hard for others. Ict is a pretty lazy guy, most enjoying spending time alone at home or floating over the city and prowling the local library. He gets himself into a little bit of trouble now and then when he takes advantage of the rifts between his world and the human world, finding the lack of magical crackle in air there and how mortals do things without magic to be a little too fascinating.

Positive Traits: Easy going, willing to have light conversation with anyone, doesn't mind working long/hard hours and does it with relative ease.

Negative Traits: Doesn't like being in sexual situations that are out of his control, has a tendency to get too involved or work himself too hard due to not knowing when to stop, and is too curious about humans for his own good. He also is a little too lazy when it comes to keeping up with people who want to be close to him/friends.

Quirks: Flies, a lot. Ict is almost never standing, and is usually hovering just off most surfaces (like chairs or uncomfortable couches, for instance). When walking around, Ict is usually hovering.

Telekinesis - with objects, the object must be very close (within 10feet), and Ict has a natural affinity for being able to levitate himself constantly. He just uses it to hover himself a few inches above the ground and solid surfaces; he's gotten very good at it over the years, and does it almost as a second nature. One could say it's hard for him not to use it.

Pheromones - Ict can't control this, per say, other than kicking it up from the baseline it normally has to seduce others. While Ict doesn't usually go for people who put up any kind of a fight, as it's just not fun for him, Ict will sometimes kick it up just to see how people react - he's a bit nicer than other Incubus in that he doesn't follow the sexual temptations of others when they initially started out not wanting it, but he's still a bit of a dick for arousing others against their will for what he calls 'harmless fun'. Ict naturally exudes pheromones that those who are magical can feel/recognize with being around him enough.. but most people would feel that they were falling into heavy infatuation with Ict after an hour or so of being in close proximity to him. Basic arousal comes shortly after, and then more intense. Ict has only ever boosted his pheromones for personal gain, outside of amusement in clubs/social interactions with people he doesn't necessarily like, when 'doing the deed' - often heightening his own pleasure as well as that of the person he's with.

Fears: Going back to his previous "work".

Weaknesses: Going without sex for elongated periods of time - it renders him close to being a mortal in power/abilities and how much he can do. Ict feeds off the sexual desires/lust of his partners, leaving them with an enjoyable time but physically exhausted for a few hours (up to a day, depending) after.

There is also a certain person that was once very close to Ict who he refuses to speak about; knowing their name, talking about them, or referencing his/their past is almost debilitating for Ict. It's a little bit like PTSD, and he will often flee the situation and avoid the person responsible at all costs.

Likes: Flying, the human world, 'playtime'. He also likes his freedom, a LOT.

Dislikes: Slave trade/indoctrinated 'servants', having to exert himself in his free time/when he just wants to laze around and sleep, being out and about when it's raining - it reminds him of his 'friend'.

History: Ict tries not to think about his life before he became a messenger and was given a second shot. Years of slavery to a brothel of sorts has left him feeling a little used and abused - but Ict had a kind caretaker, more so than most others like him could say about their owners. He was 'rented' out to men and women for their pleasure in return for being able to be alive and work within the floating city of Ilsian, hovering just over the main city's 'downtown' area. It's a land of lust where most of his people, the demons that crave sexual and frenzied energies and can give them, reside. Ict was rented for groups of people who wanted high impact, sexually driven orgies - ones that would leave the patrons in exhausted stupors. Ict's owner would often say it was a better high than one that could be acquired from magically infused drugs, and how easy and cheap it was for those who wanted it bad enough.

Ict was cared for as much as one could care for a 'pet'. He was fed, allowed to sleep in a protected enclosure, and his owner thought he was being 'well cared for'. Ict would have to disagree. He was never a fan of sex by force or for those who he had no interest in - be it physically or mentally, or who were revolting but worth their weight in coin at least twice over.

It wasn't until his last five years there that Ict met someone he fell in love with. Jin was not like him; Jin did not hate or despise the work, instead letting it fold around and envelope her. She was good at what she dd, and she picked her clients and negotiated how much they would pay her. In her free time, she would come to Ict. Sometimes they made love - sensual, gentle. Ict was torn between loving it, loving her body against his, and hating that it was what she came to him for - that his companionship often lead to lovemaking, and that he adored her too much to say no - or want to. She would not always come for pleasure, but it was the only time that she said she felt 'truly alive' - that when they had their conversations late into the next morning, his body cuddled against her back and his face in her neck, that maybe there was more to life beyond the building that housed her.. like there could be more.

Ict worked for his freedom - one hundred long years of sexual slavery, and more before that as a servant child. Once he obtained it, he begged Jin to come with him. She was free to go whenever she pleased, and a part of him tricked his mind into believing that she had been waiting for him. When she didn't go with him, when she disappeared the day of his choosing, something inside of Ict broke.

He left and found a life for himself. It was hard, trying not to let people know of his previous life. He found a job as a messenger - flying letters and messages between cities for long hours each day, just to afford a shitty place to live and basic necessities that being free required.

A few years ago, Ict received a pendant in the mail from Jin - one that he hasn't taken off since. While he feels a part of him has moved on, the pendant is a near constant reminder of her, and he often finds his mind wandering back to nights with Jin.

He's living an ordinary life right now, surprised by how little being a sexual servant has affected his ability to feed and be sexual outside of it. Having the choice of whether or not he wants to is very important to him, and something he fights for when others are being moved onto without their permission - especially when he frequents clubs.