Erik the Phantom



6 years, 5 months ago


Erik, better known as the Phantom of the Opera.  Currently in the process of writing a modern take on the classic Phantom of the Opera novel. 

 However details on the classic story can be found here. His backstory has a base of the original book, but I have shifted it some what to give him an original take, and the choice to do things differently.

  • Erik was born in the late 1800s with a large birthmark taking up one side of his face.  The notes below can elaborate on the physical description of it.  He was abused/abandoned by his mother who could hardly stand to look at him.  He is a genius and a prodigy, but even that could not earn a mother's love.  A fire eventualy consumed their home with a broken oil lamp, killing his mother in her attic bedroom, while Erik slept unaware in the stone lined basement.  As the fire began damaging the base structure of the home Erik made a break for it, scrambling under a fallen door to his escape and recieving burns along the right side of his face and shoulder in the process, further destroying his appearance.
  • He was found with a raging fever a few days later on the edge of the nearest town.  He was taken in by a pack of roaming gypsies, and was cared for by a healer in the group.  As he gained his strength back, he found that he had a debt to them for taking him in.  He is put on as a freak, and was mistreated, beaten when he hesitates to show himself, and treated as a token coin by the others in the caravan.
  • He is rescued at age 8, and finds sanctuary with help in the basement of the opera house of paris 

Physical Appearance

  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome as hell, well, at least half of his face
  • 6'2
  • In his 30s
  • Black hair that is somewhere between jaw and shoulder length 
    •  usally slicked or tied back
    • Some grey here and there
  • Sea green eyes, they turn an Icy blue with rage
    • Eyes will glow yellow when faced with direct light die to a reflection deformity.  
      • tapetum-lucidum crystals
      • think animal in headlights glow
  • Facial structure
    • Strong/sharp jaw/cheek bones
    • aristocratic nose, or half of one atleast
      • ride side of nose has severley damaged cartilage
    • Mask references below
    • Prosthetic reference under spoiler
      • Erik has a full head of hair, so it is mainly the muscular detailing
    • Scaring goes from hairline to jaw
      • Severe scaring originally a bith mark 
      • flesh is tough and angry looking
      • appears stretched too thin over bone and muscle/tendon in the lower levels of the scaring
      • can become irritated by the mask
    • affects the ear tissue, though the shape is fairly normal
    • Right side of nose is damaged, nostril is half formed
    • No right eyebrow
    • Little sight in his right eye, though it appears fairly normal aide from a heavy lid
    • Cheek bone is very apparent under the scaring
    • Right side of mouth tissue is damaged
    • pulling down subconsciously unless he is smirking or smiling (RARE)
    • Clenches his jaw with anger fairy frequently
  • Scaring over back and torso from abuse
    • Burn scaring spreading from jaw, down neck and on shoulder from the fire 
    • Lashings, cuts, sword wounds, a few lines from bullet grazes due to abuse in his youth and trouble in early adulthood
  • Well muscled
    • Destroying sets and carrying sand bags is hard work
  • Blushes easily, usually at the tips of his ears
  • Skin is fairly pale from lack of sunlight
    • natural complexion has some color to it


  • Short fuse
  • Sarcastic and dramatic
  • Sassy little shit
  • egotistical and narcissistic
  • Takes a LONG TIME to even consider trusting someone 
  • Assumes he is always under scrutiny
  • paranoid
  • Extremely self conscious
  • Seeks and longs for contact but will flinch at any move of it
  • Not emotionally well
  • Jealous/possessive
  • Think cat who is terrified of affection
    • wants you to know he is there, but for you to know that he doesnt care
    • will do things he knows he shouldnt while being observed
    • collects his "treasures" in his underground lair

Mask reference below with LARGE images:

Accurate view of his facial deformity, though he does not have the damage to the skull.



I dont own Erik.  Im borrowing him for a bit...