Yoshimori Sukimura



1 year, 11 months ago


Name: Yoshimori Sukimura

Nickname/Alias: Demon Child, Demon Bearer, Yoshi

Age: 14

DOB: May 5

Species: Human (Demon Bearer)

Gender: Male

Blood Type: A

Height: 5' 4"

Weight: 108 lbs

Physical Description: Yoshimori is a young man with long, black hair tied into a ponytail, and his bangs framing both sides of his face, fair skin and big brown eyes. He is of short stature and a fairly lean but athletic build. His body becomes more toned when he enters his demon form along with longer, wilder hair, red eyes, sharp teeth and claws and a blue aura shaped like a humanoid komainu. 

His main outfit is usually of a white and gray sleeveless gi with a blue vest on top, blue and white tekko gloves to protect his hand and forearms, a navy blue hakama and geta sandals with blue sandal thongs.

Personality: Despite his situation, Yoshimori is a cheerful, positive young man with a strong sense of adventure.

Background: Yoshimori is a young, amnesiac samurai bearing a Komainu-like demon named Zangeki. He along with two exorcists he meets along way named Hashimaru and Yuka, travel to purge any demons that cause havoc, meet other bearers, and help Yoshimori reclaim his lost memories.

Power & Abilities: Superhuman strength, durability, agility and senses,

Equipment/Weapons (if any): A katana.

Nationality: Japanese

Likes: Food, his friends Hashimaru and Yuka, meeting new people, travelling,

Dislikes: Tofu, being seen as a monster, his friends getting hurt,