


1 year, 11 months ago






twunk, twunkie








shiny espeon


jun 19


comfort oc / character














pincushiionz (me!)








pincushiionz (me!)


"Don't worry, I hate everyone equally."

Twunkle is a bully, to plainly put it. He spends a lot of his time insulting others, whether that be for their looks, their abilities, anything. Upon first glance, it's easy to see his behavior as terrible and him as a horrible person, but upon deeper inspection, one might find that his actions are a result of his own issues. From a young age, Twunkle was outcast due to being different, and thus, learned how to bite back in such a way that protected his fragile self esteem. Espeons pride themselves not only on their mental capabilities but also their graceful looks, and Twunkle does not particularly excel in either of those categories, so he makes up for it with a sharp tongue and outside the box thinking. While he is mean to everyone, he tends to habitually/regularly bully those he cares about; in part, this is because he was never really taught to show affection properly. He's defensive and mean-spirited, sure, but deep down has a frail self-esteem and just wants to be treated like everyone else.


  • His tail is not that of a typical two tailtips Espeon because it was bit off by an Arcanine, so just draw it like you would a typical end of a cat's tail!
  • His underside is lighter and he has some lighter coloring on his face, but otherwise he's the same colors as a regular shiny Espeon.



As a kid, Twunkle was bullied for his coloration. A meek Eevee who didn't really know how to defend himself or interact with others at all properly, he let bad things happen to him because he was afraid or didn't know how to say no. Even his siblings bullied him, in which there was nothing he could really do about it. He spent a lot of time alone and/or in hiding because of this, worried about what people would say to or about him.


Twunkle evolved pretty early on in his teenage years. He had become prickly and defensive as a result of years of bullying. Thus, when he got picked on for his oddly green fur color, which stood out even more as an Espeon than it did when he was an Eevee, Twunkle was quick to find flaws in others and use them to his advantage. While not particularly in tune with his own emotions, being an Espeon meant he was able to easily pick up on others', leaving it easy for him to find things people were sensitive about and torment them with this knowledge. This picking up on flaws went from just for protection to because he could, and it became normal to find him putting others down no matter the way they behaved. This period in his life is when he got his tail tips bitten off, as he said the wrong thing and paid the price for it.


Due to his mean demeanor, Twunkle doesn't have many allies or friends in adulthood- which is where he started off in life too. Lonely in the beginning, lonely in the end, he supposes. Except, there are a few that care about him, in which he really doesn't know how to go about his feelings for them back. He never learned to treat other pokemon properly, and thus finds it difficult to treat even those who are nice to him with respect. At this point in his life, Twunkle doesn't exactly mean to badger and criticize every person he comes across anymore, it's just so ingrained into him that he does it without thinking. While he isn't one to ever apologize with words, he will make things up in other ways. He's not skilled when it comes to emotions, but does make some attempts to be compassionate (even if they can seem lackluster to outsiders). He does want to be a kinder soul, but doesn't really know if he has it in him to be that way.


Boogey is a rare case in Twunkle's life, as they actually seem to get along for the mostpart. Twunkle openly blames it on Boogey's 'apparent stupidity,' but it's pretty obvious that he's fond of Boogey in more ways than just friendship. Perhaps it's because Boogey understands him in a way that no one else is really able to. Having grown up in the same circumstances (a shiny Eevee who underwent bullying), Twunkle feels inherently connected to Boogey. But while Twunkle crumbled and became a self proclaimed horrible person, Boogey kept up a positive attitude, and Twunkle finds that fascinating. Boogey follows Twunkle everywhere, and they are practically inseperable. And while Twunkle complains about it, everyone knows that he wouldn't have it any other way.

If you asked Twunkle his thoughts on Hornet, he would tell you he despises her. Her endless enthusiasm pisses him off, and her positivity is a stain on this Earth. But in reality, Twunkle does care about Hornet, whether he wants to admit it or not. Hornet is everything Twunkle was never able to be- caring, loved by others, sweet, appreciated... and he envies her so so much. But at the same time, he wishes the best for her. He may bully them, but it's easy to see it's a less critical type of bullying- it's one that originates from his inability to show appreciation for others. If she believed in a cause, Twunkle would follow Hornet to the ends of the Earth, so long as he was still allowed to call her names. While Twunkle often acts as an antagonist to her, he does care about her, and they're frenimes than anything, and he doesn't harbor any real hatred toward her.

Twunkle is unsure about Frostbite. He was told that the Harbinger of the Icelands had a cold, uncaring heart, but upon meeting her, has found that she is rather amiable. He doesn't mind her all that much, but she is one of the few pokemon he doesn't actively antagonize because of the rumors about her. Still though, he appreciates how warm and even protective she seems of Hornet, and thinks she is a better person than the gossip about her tends to say. He knows what it's like to be talked about behind his back, and sometimes he even chooses to snap at people who talk badly about her.

It's not that Twunkle thinks badly of Doomsday, it's just that he doesn't think GOOD of her either. The two get along just fine, but Twunkle is a little overwhelmed by her. She's a bit too much for him, having been used to keeping his distance and not interacting much with others his whole life, so he tends to stray away from her. But he doesn't think that she's bad by any means, and is a far more friendly version of her older brother anyway. Boogey and Hornet seem to get along with her just fine, and he couldn't ask for more. They do ted to argue a lot though because of Twunkle's harshness (which she doesn't seem to get that he means well), but he doesn't hate her or anything.

Mercury is pretty accident prone, and because of this, Twunkle likes to keep his distance. He gets annoyed by them rather easily due to their clumsiness and resigned personality, not to mention will sometimes actively target him just because his dramatic responses make for good entertainment, but for the most part they get along when they have to. Or, well, Twunkle plays nice when he has to. He picks on Mercury's very clear autism but tries not to treat him THAT bad. Hornet is pretty defensive of him so Twunkle doesn't get many chances to mess with him anyway.

Zipper is another target of Twunkle's bullying, much like Mercury, but he doesn't find her as annoying as the other. While Mercury is an easier target, Zipper will bite back at him, and he likes the chance to strike up an arguement with her. Despite his usualy bullying, he thinks she is fairly capable and doesn't really need to be a part of Hornet's 'charity case,' but sees the appeal in someone like her who has been through rough circumstances becoming so friendly with someone so positive like Hornet.

Twunkle knows that he isn't a good person, but he wouldn't call himself a bad person either. Karma, on the otherhand, he would. He finds his lack of a moral code to be irritating, as the Zoroark doesn't know when to quit. Though she hasn't done anything particularly bad, per se, Twunkle knows what she is capable of and therefore is not very fond of her.

Zephyr doesn't really ever cross Twunkle's mind because, to him, they are just an extension of Karma. They are never really seen on their own, and thus, he doesn't even associate them as their own person. Though, Twunkle does enjoy getting a rise out of them every time he does interact with them, Karma annoyingly puts a stop to it very fast so he can't even have any fun.

he sure is scabies. they're ex lovers.



  • bullying/picking on others
  • bragging about himself and his few accomplishments
  • spending time around Boogey (and Hornet)
  • when he gets a reaction out of his bullying victims


  • others picking on HIM. he can do it but Arceus forbid they do it back.
  • Arcanines (is this racism? speciesism?)
  • not having the upper hand
  • having to think about how poor his childhood was


  • Twunkle has never really made peace with his childhood. He doesn't like to think about it much, but knows how intensely he himself was bullied is why he became so harsh and mean himself. He isn't in contact with any of his siblings or his parents, for good reason.
  • Being an Espeon is a source of pride for him, despite how abnormal he seems. Espeon are typically known for their mental prowess and sophistication, and although he is certainly has neither of those things, being such an empathy-linked pokemon, it gives him the advantage in bullying and arguments. When he was little, he didn't really have any idea what he wanted to evolve into, so he is glad this is where he ended up.
  • There is no way in hell you will ever catch Twunkle telling his friends he appreciates or cares about them. However, on occasion, you CAN catch him smiling or staring at them fondly, and even sometimes cuddling Boogey. He's rather protective of the few he does let get close to him.
  • Fun fact about his creation! I originally got a shiny Eevee in Pokemon X and evolved it into Espeon. Because of Nintendo's naming policies, I wouldn't name him TwInkle (twink I guess) but I COULD name him TwUnkle, and the name has stuck ever since. Now I try in every generation to get one, or transfer him over!


James Supercave
The Bravery
Courtney Barnett