Devi's Comments

I love the gold in her design!

I also love how she's also an artist, what a nice detail 


Why is she literally me bahaha I love her so much! She's got this sweet yet sassy look to her and her bio compliments that with her hobbies. I see she's truly an artist skilled in both dance and drawing and I feel like a lot of people don't have characters that draw, so that's really fun to see 👀 The pantheon ability is also super cool, I love the idea of someone being able to possess the powers of certain gods or deities for a short period of time!! From each ability I can tell you did research on the Greek gods to create interesting/accurate powers and I'm such a nerd for mythology so I find it really cool !!

First of, I really like her design! The gold and white elements mix so well (and tbh thats one of my favourite color palettes too lol) it makes her look really elegant! And the greek gods and goddesses idea is really unique, ive never seen a quirk like that :00

I also really like how shes the mom friend but doesnt come of as like, anxious or worried and overprotective but instead more carefree and chaotic XD She honestly sounds like someone who could be friend with my oc Yams lol. In general i think shes a really cool character, and i'd love to hang out with her and play video games :DD

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Devi has such a nice design omg! First time I saw her I was like "She looks so elegant yet very powerful!" really love the ancient greek aesthethic she has ^^ My favorite detail is definitely her glasses! They look so pretty on her and make her look even more elegant! (Plus I rarely see characters with eyeglasses! Plus combined with her aesthethic she looks really unique!)

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WOAH I'm not normally into MHA OCs but this lady is gorgeous!! I especially love her quirk and how she calls upon Greek God's it's very unique!!! I also appreciate it when a character is really grounded in a fandom by having relations with canon characters!!

She's VERY pretty, I remember seeing her a while ago and thinking she was a very cool character. The fact that she's clearly a really caring, kind person is super endearing, I could see her being someone I would trust, and someone who'd lend a hand to those who need it. The mention of her trauma easily serves to humanize her, and it's very to-the-point, it's not overly dark but it's clear to see why it affects her and why she feels the way she does, it's likely that it wasn't just about the ballet, after all. I also really love the concept of her quirk! Greek mythology is really interesting and fun to see used, and this is a very good way to work with it, with it being a very strong power with a very strong drawback.

oh my god. I lvoe her so much .... Holds her in my hands