


1 year, 11 months ago



58692471_bnP.gif DRAKE 58692471_bnP.gif





A silly but headstrong college student who wants to reach the stars! He's very energetic, passionate, and optimistic and likes to help people get back on their feet when they are down! he can be quite dramatic when trying to encourage others but he only means good intentions! He believes anything is possible if you never give up and that it's okay to rely on friends when you need help and he would gladly be that reliable friend. He's always in a good mood and will try to bring up the mood by being goofy often being considered a class clown in his class... he can be quite the prankster sometimes!

He thinks very highly of himself but not necessarily in a way where he thinks he's better than other people. He just thinks that high self-esteem is good for the mind! He is very critical of people who dig themselves in holes of negativity and self-loathing but being understanding that everyone has their ups and downs, he assures them that asking for help is okay and is determined to be a supportive friend. Despite his beliefs, sometimes even he refuses to ask for help himself and doesn't like to show weakness. He can also easily get angered when he is in the wrong as well and it'll take him sometime to eventually admit that he's in the wrong or is struggling with something. He will usually try to insist that he doesn't need help and doesn't like to make people worry about him.

Drake likes to move forward and not to be held back. He will take risks if he has to and he dislikes dwelling on the past. He is very hardworking and with his goal being set to become an astronaut like his uncle who he greatly looks up to, he studys a lot and is already doing everything he can to stay strong and fit! speaking of his uncle, that is pretty much his guardian who he stayed with when he was younger. he respects and thinks highly of him as well!

Drake is quite animated and comical at times and he's a little oblivious about it. when he does certain things, it is followed with silly sound effects with him being unaware. Some of the things he says and does is very much like. a cartoon character. (he is a cartoon characte r)


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