


6 years, 5 months ago


【Full Name】 Skylar Thuy Sinclair 【 Called 】Skylar, Sky
【 Age 】 22 【 Birthday 】 October 24th
【 Pronouns 】 She/Her 【 Orientation 】 Bisexual
【 Color 】 Black 【 Symbol 】 Eye
【 Instrument 】 Percussion 【 Weapon 】 Scythe
【 Zodiac 】 Scorpio 【 Tarot 】 The High Priestess
【 Maternal Parentage 】 Vietnamese 【 Paternal Parentage 】 Vietnamese
【 Profile Status 】 Complete 【 Theme 】 Army of Dolls
snarky, funny, sarcastic, cunning, perceptive, rebellious, easygoing, mischievous
Skylar is the crafty leader of Styx, a team of three rogues who infiltrate the shared dreams had by team Vaze. She is always looking for new ways to outsmart her rivals, delighting in feeling smarter than them. Skylar enjoys playing the role of an antagonist, perhaps a little too much. She will make questionable decisions just to increase the tension between her and Vaze, especially with their leader, Claire. Skylar has gotten into trouble with her friends for prolonging missions just to go up against Claire for longer than what was necessary. Outside of dreaming, Skylar is laid-back with a good sense of humor. Sometimes it's hard to tell if she's joking, as she enjoys meddling with people who don't understand ironic humor. She is observant and able to tell if someone is lying. She is also very persuasive; she can manipulate others without really trying or meaning to.
  • Gothic fashion
  • Victorian aesthetics
  • Making people laugh
  • Driving with friends
  • Candy
  • Horror
  • Pranks
  • Creepy dolls
  • The macabre
  • Stupid humor
  • Rules
  • Authority
  • Vegetables
  • Too much sunlight
  • Spicy food
  • Ice skating
  • Wearing too many colors
  • Mint flavor
  • Dentists
  • Fashion
  • Makeup
  • Nail art
  • Jewelry making
  • Horror genre
  • Playing cards
  • Chess
  • Blogging
  • Online gaming
  • Interior decorating
  • She currently lives in a townhouse with her two friends, Leo and Tatiana. They primarily rely on income from selling their magic items, something that they can do a lot easier than Claire's team. Skylar and Tatiana both know the best places to sell strange and occult items for the highest price.
  • She loves horror and the macabre, and her high standards make it difficult to frighten or disturb her.
  • She is transgender and has been out since she was a freshman in high school. She doesn't mind talking about it and is very open about her experiences, and wants to help others be true to themselves like she is.
  • Skylar was adopted intially by a single mother, who later married. Skylar's parents are supportive of her, but they have a hard time understanding her. Skylar cares about her family, but prefers to be away from them if she has a choice. Skylar has two younger adoptive siblings whom she does not know very well, as she left home a few years after they were adopted.
  • She dabbles in witchcraft, though she's not nearly as into it as Tatiana is. For Tatiana, it's something serious and a lifestyle, while for Skylar, it's just for fun. Skylar comes along with her to witch and occult themed events, and helps her with rituals and the like.
  • She loves sugar and eats candies and chocolates daily. Skylar hates going to the dentist so she puts in a lot of effort to take care of her teeth. Her favorite candies are taffy, milk chocolate bars, licorice, and anything blue raspberry.
  • Skylar is partial to gothic fashion. Her wardrobe is almost entirely black, white, or both, but mostly black. She is partial to a gothic lolita style.
  • Skylar likes playing chess and card games, and games that rely on luck. Her favorite card game is euchre, but unfortunately it requires 4 players and she can't get anyone to play with her.
  • She has an irrational fear of ice skating. She just doesn't like standing on blades. Her friends always tease her for being scared of ice skates, of all things.
Special Abilities

Light Manipulation Her signature power. She can generate her own bright beams of light to use as a weapon, and can move fast, though not at the speed of light. Sometimes she is able to fashion items out of her light, though these items don't hold for too long (example: handcuffs). Skylar is somewhat bitter about being given light abilities, as she would much rather have Tatiana's shadow powers to fit her dark aesthetic.

Light-Skating/Flight She is able to summon little beams of light energy out of her shoes, allowing her to "skate" with light (think like Shadow the hedgehog lol). She can also use this ability to fly, though she is not very nimble in the air and can't hold herself very well.

Luck Manipulation An unusual and unpredictable ability that Skylar denies exists. Under certain circumstances, Skylar seems to always have the best luck out of everyone, and it takes awhile for anyone to register that this could be a result of a hidden power. She doesn't seem capable of manipulating it entirely though, and is still vulnerable to classic bad luck.

Scythe "Auto-Plague" - her weapon. She keeps it in her sleeve. The scythe's length and blade are both adjustable. She can flip the blade upwards, making it into more of a spear. (scroll to see weapon)


Special Stats

All character art done by kaylocia. HTML by Pinky and KnightOfSpring