mai sato



6 years, 4 months ago


Full name: Mai Sato

Nickname: Dr. Sato

Hero name: Miracle Drug

Age: 31

Height: 5’10

Weight: 142lbs

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Doesn’t care much about a person’s gender, doesn’t identify as any one sexuality.

Personality: Generally kind and warm, Mai does what he can to make those around him comfortable and calm. He wants to create a generally open and accepting air around him as he is a doctor thus wanting not only his patients but people who come to him just for minor reasons to feel a mixture of professional and friendliness coming from him. While his public face is incredibly important, he does have a deep seeded anxiety and fear of failure due to his past that holds him back more than he’d like to admit. He has a stubbornness to him when people attempt to confront him about said fears, not entirely feeling comfortable with fully talking about so he instead pushes it away and keeps on his public mask as much as he possibly can in hopes of tricking himself into believing nothing ever happened.

Quirk name: Immunity

Quirk type: Emitter

Quirk description: Mai is completely immune to any disease, illness, sickness, and virus excluding mental. He is unable to become ill and it able to come into contact with the deadliest of viruses and diseases without protection and come out completely unharmed. The effects of the quirk is held within his bloodstream and it is still unclear to even himself what exactly it is about his blood that makes him immune to diseases even after years of study. He is able to inject his blood into others to cure them of whatever ailment may be affecting them at the time, however his blood will only go after what may be the most life-threatening at the time. If the patient has more than one issue, they will have to take multiple visits to him. The effects of his blood take 24 hours to complete and after that his patient will be cured.

Quirk weaknesses: In his years of studying his quirk, Mai has come to find out that his blood is as thin as water so any kind of damage that breaks his skin must be tended to immediately, even if it’s just the smallest pin prick. His blood does not congeal at all and any sort of open wound could mean he bleeds out if not patched up as quickly as possible. His skin does not scab over, but it does heal over time. His body is also extremely susceptible to intense bruising so any kind of close combat is extremely risky for him. He is unable to store any of his blood for later use, if it’s not inside of a living body for longer than thirty minutes, it loses any and all effectiveness it had previously.


Even in his younger years, Mai Sato had starry eyed dreams of being able to help the world in ways far bigger than himself. Even before he discovered what his quirk could possibly be, he would go on energized speeches about what he could do and how he could help to his mother and twin brother, Haruto. While he noticed signs of his brothers quirk coming in, he never really saw any differences in himself, always rather impatient because he wanted to know what he could do. It wasn’t until he sustained an injury that broke his skin did he discover any sign of what his quirk could have possibly been. After being rushed to the hospital, he was only informed that his quirk was something to do with his blood, as at the time they had no exact answers.

He went out of his way to figure out exactly what his quirk was all throughout his elementary years, studying blood based quirks that had developed in the past, testing his own to figure out its properties to much risk to himself. Over time, he began to notice whenever his brother would become ill, he’d be perfectly healthy. One could have easily chalked it up to just having a good immune system, but even the most severe of illnesses were something he never experienced. No cough, no sneeze, no ill feeling in the pit of his stomach ever crossed his senses. He decided, several years after developing his quirk, that he might have some sort of immunity quirk.

The research into his quirk bled over into his school life and by the time he was in middle school, he was secretly performing some testing to see if his quirk could be used for more than just himself. Whenever he would find sick animals, he’d take them in and nurse them back to health over time, while he had other animals he would offer his blood in eye droppers. His studies found that the animals who ingested his blood healed much faster than the animals he nursed back to health through conventional means. With high school approaching quickly, he chose to take his experiments to the extreme, his goal to be able to apply to UA’s hero course on recommendations considering the circumstances of his quirk, working tirelessly to be at the top of his class on top of experimenting with his quirk.

As the stress of his school life and testing his quirk began to take its toll, he began to slip up more and more before he was eventually caught by his mother with several ill animals in a hidden spot in their garden. While she scolded him she was all too well aware that her son, as stubborn and bull-headed as he was at the time, wouldn’t simply stop just because she told him to. For the time being, she allowed him to continue as he was under her supervision only. While Mai was fully aware this might stifle his progress, he didn’t want to make his family worry over what he was doing. During his third year of middle school, he took on a medical class where he could learn to properly dress wounds and use medical equipment, as well as learning more about the human body. It wasn’t until his brother became ill with a fever and cold due to his year-round allergies that he took it upon himself to test his quirk to the extreme. Having filched a syringe from his medical class, he took some of his blood to inject directly into his brothers bloodstream. Then… he simply watched and waited.

All night, he waited to see any kind of results, gradually beginning to think the pain in his arm wasn’t worth the effort and by the time the morning sunlight began to show through the window of their shared room, he’d decided that this experiment was a complete failure. As he stood to go get ready for the school day, haggard and exhausted from staying up all night to intently watch his twin, Haruto called out to him with a yawn causing Mai’s attention to immediately snap to him. Mai rushed over to him, hands pressing eagerly against his face and forehead; he didn’t sound all stuffy, the scratchiness in his throat was gone, his fever was completely dispersed, he still had that sniffle to him but that was always there - from what he could tell, he’d cured his brother!

After a few more test trials (on sick animals that he could later release, of course) he’d come to find that injecting his blood directly into his patient's bloodstream was the most effective way to cure them of any life-threatening ailment they might’ve had. Now knowing his quirks fullest potential, he began focusing more on his studies in school, keeping his top ranking grades in an iron grasp. He was going to use whatever he could in his arsenal to get into UA based on recommendations, he wanted to use his quirk for the people of Japan as soon as legally possible.

As he hit 15, he did, in fact, get accepted to UA on recommendations - however, due to the nature of his quirk, he was placed in the the general studies class, much to his dismay. This didn’t deter him from focusing on pushing for his hero career, even getting further than he thought he would in the sports festival, landing himself a solid 12th place before… well, getting brutalized by a student with a far more offensive quirk than himself. It got him some recognition, more than he enough as seeing someone who couldn’t use their quirk for battle or any practical use get so far was eye-catching to many of the pros that had come to spectate.

After the sports festival, he’d received a handful of people looking to scout him, much to his surprise. However, one from the Youthful Heroine and healing support hero Recovery Girl caught his attention quite easily. He took the opportunity in great stride, wanting to learn from someone who had quite a similar quirk to his own even if they held very different properties. During his time studying under Recovery Girl, he’d come to find that they worked fairly well together as she could heal him quite quickly when he needed to extract blood for his quirk. With her, he got the opportunity to work in various hospitals that she’d take him to, where he’d get the get the chance to show the full potential of his quirk. It wasn’t long before word began to spread about what he could do among the public, though it was quickly hushed as Recovery Girl didn’t want a student with a possibly unstable quirk to get potential backlash.

With this, though, he was able to join U.A.’s 1B hero course with Recovery Girl’s specific recommendation and by spring of his second year, he was pulling as much weight as his body would possibly allow. His goal was like a shining star to him at this point, so close yet so far. He could practically feel the warmth of its glow on his face. During the rest of his high school career, he went out of his way to show his potential as a hero in any way he could. While he received quite a bit of help from the development students to demonstrate ways he could use his quirk, he made sure he figured out ways he could participate in combat if the need arose. During this time, he also took on extra medical courses in order to get his doctorate as quickly as he could, considering much of what he would need to participate in would require a medical degree. Even if he were running on fumes, he’d still give the 110% he knew he needed to give.

Once he graduated high school as sixth highest student in his class, he immediately began working on his college courses as he was accepted by a relatively prestigious school. He was also picked up by Recovery Girl to be his sidekick to help pay for his college fees, now juggling school work and hero work under the hero name Miracle Drug. It was only a couple of months into his hero work did he begin to notice the scarring from syringes entering his skin all across his arms where his veins protruded, the sight of them gradually becoming more and more distracting whenever he attempted to do his school work when he wasn’t on the job. Mai did what he could to ignore the scarring, even hiding them away with bandages.

Recovery girl noticed far too quickly and urged him to be more careful with his body, that if anything severe happened her quirk wouldn’t always be able to help. Still being just the stubborn kid he was in his past, he didn’t heed her warnings as much as he should have. It would all be fine, anyway. His wounds would heal, the scars would go away, his body would be fine as long as he didn’t go over his limits. His name had started to become much more well-known now as the hero who could kill any illness, even bring people back from what seemed like the brink of death from disease. It was what he dreamed to do ever since he was a child, he couldn’t give it up so easily.

It wasn’t until Recovery Girl and himself responded to a natural disaster that had hit a village on the opposite side of the country did he take things too far for his body to handle. They’d arrived a couple days late and while recovery girl made her way to begin helping those with injuries, Mai began tending to the sick. There were more than he anticipated, but he was willing to go the mile if it meant getting everyone back on their feet. One patient, two patients, four patients, eight, twelve, eighteen, twenty, thirty, fourty, he had to help them that was the job of a hero, he had to help all of them in any way he could. Even if it meant a little bit of darkness for a while.

When Mai came to once more, he was laying on his bad in a hospital bed, various IVs, wires, and tubes all connected to his body. Blurry eyed, he looked around to notice not only recovery girl stood over him but his brother as well. As it turned out, he’d helped a lot of people… but at the cost of himself passing out in the middle of extracting some of his blood, causing his gear to malfunction and nearly make him bleed out on site. The mixture of stress, loss of blood, and dire need to help as many people blinded him to the state his body was in and he nearly died due to his own error. While his name was becoming known and he was helping people with his quirk the only way he knew how, was it worth risking his own life to cure people of something they’d just end up catching, again?

After that event, Mai quickly retired from being a pro hero and with some aid he erased his hero identity from all known sources, making sure the name Miracle Drug was but a vague memory. He wasn’t entirely the same person after his hero career blew up in his face, he became a lot more humble, quieter, more willing to take his time with things. He continued his medical studies and became a doctor with not only his own standalone clinic to cure special patients of their illnesses, but working in a major hospital as a general surgeon. He also works with P.A., where his brother is the school nurse, to help teach the professional class about working in the medical field for students pursuing that type of work.

He still longs for the idea of being a hero, the fear of failure creeping up on him whenever he walks into his clinic hits him on a day to day basis. Mai is fully aware that this is all he can do now, though. He wants to be able to help the people of the future become everything they believe they can be, even if he couldn’t be what he wanted to be himself.