Lycaninedoom/Hal's Comments

Is ether of them still available?

They are sold as the same character I apologize !

THIS DESIGN IS AMAZING!!! I'd like to offer a halfbody (worth $35) for them, but I'm totally down to haggle if you'd like something else or more! Most of my art is here LMK either way if you're interested!

hello sorry for the late response i got busy annd forgor but!! would u be down for 2 pieces of art of any type? :0 just so i can get my partner someting as well since they helped me with this design!

Yes id totally be down! Happy to talk via discord or Twitter dms if you prefer!

AYY TWITTER CAN work :> my username is the same on there !

I can offer stuff from my Adopts Folder or from my For Sale/Trade Folder 

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i dont thin i saw anyone im sorry !

Ty for looking 

I can only offer art atm. You can see in my mainst oc Feta is drawn in my currebt style.

If you want more examples I can only nie send them via Instagram @kaleidoscope_blasphemy

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late reply sorry but i dont think isaw anyone i forgor bc the links arnt working but !