


6 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info



LastName :


Demon Age :

85years old

Human Age:



Shyly Mannered and Energetic


Pure Blooded Demon (but he's in his human form)


Stargazing, Psychological Movies, Thrills, and fun, men and woman


Murders and anything that hurts his family and Cousins.


Historical Background Of Luiven Linage :

The Louiven Linage of pure blooded demons were always noble and trustworthy ones, but one tragedy happen. The old king of Louiven betrayed his cousin's loyalty and tried to hired assassins to kill the crowned prince. Archie was a young and smart kid before that tragedy happen, he was always in library with his mystery books and detective ones that kept him company for most of the time, but one day. He heard a gunshot from the royal place of freinhiem. He show his father leaving at night with a hidden dagger on his hand and arms. To him, he must think that his is heading their for assistance, but it wasn't. he regretted that he didn't stop his father but he was to afraid to tell his mother about his father evil intentions. When his father died due to his reckless attempt of killing the crowned which his older cousin. In his father steed and debt to the royal place, he asked his cousin for forgiveness and he bowed that he will never allow such betrayal when he became the king of their palace. His cousin didn't not waver and he was forgiven. but every-one else won't never forget the event.  

About Archie History:

Archie was a shyly mannered and matured person as he grows from his father mistakes and he was the right-hand man of the crowned prince. He was always shy when it comes to speaking into public and when it comes to dangerous situations in regarding his work, he's attitude changes and he becames a very different person even though he's one of the youngest linage. As years grown by, Archie and Daiko was always together and archie told daiko about his father mistakes, he carefully observe his cousins expression and he noticed that he was not bothered about the past. for his cousin, he believes that he will not follow his father's mistakes.