Markus Fuchs



6 years, 5 months ago


"In all my years working here, I've never looked forward to training a group more."

First Name: Markus
Last Name: Fuchs

Date of Birth & Age: 08/19/2023, 34 years 
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human

Weight: 175 lbs / 79.37 kg
Height: 6 ft 00 in / 182.88 cm
Distinguishing Features: Small scar on side of head near ear


Cell Number: cell 112
Cell Block: B Wing
Inmate Number: 120
Cellmate: 'Tosh' Trofim Petrov
Occupation: Team trainer & Trained assassin
Incarceration Date: 02/19/2053
Release Date: 02/19/2060
Charges: Assassination of Adrian Castro, (Italian dictator)

Reported Incident: 
Marcus Glennon shot Adrian Castro at 2:58 pm on November 18th, 2052. Glennon was found and apprehended when a co-conspirator of the assassination ratted him out to the authorities. Glennon put up no fight, simply complying with Italian law. When it was found that he was an American assailant he was handed over to the American authorities. This time, however, Glennon resisted. He managed to incapacitate 4 marshals and acquire their guns, before holding one at gunpoint. Glennon negotiated himself to be sent to Ashgrove. How he knows of this organization is currently unknown, however, his request to be affiliated with Ashgrove leaves many a question to answer.
Marcus grew up in a rural part of Bavaria, Germany. His father became terminally ill when Marcus was eleven. From then on, Marcus was the sole income that supported his mother and his two siblings. Marcus began doing odd jobs, scavenging for money. Before long, he had found himself working for a local gang. They used his sneaking skills for pickpocketing and other small jobs. This garnered the attention of a high-level organization hoping to use his abilities for a more violent purpose. Marcus accepted, because they paid more, and he needed the money. This group started Marcus down the path of assassination. They started him off with assassinating other rival gang members, businessmen who carefully evaded capture, and other enemies of the organization. Eventually, Marcus had made a substantial income, and with his rising popularity in the Middle Eastern underground. One kill led to another until Marcus eventually assassinated the Italian politician Adrian Castro.  The motive is currently unknown.

Part of the Logistician personality (ISTJ), Marcus is a determined and strong-willed person who is very dedicated to what he does. Marcus is 

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Marital Status: Married
 Würzburg, Germany
Parents: Mother 58 years (current), Father 39 years when deceased.
Siblings: Brother, 20 years... Sister, 22 years
Other Relatives:  Grandmother, 88 years

✔Falling leaves
✔Adrenaline rushes

✖ Calamity
✖Tobacco smoke
✖The sight of blood
✖Pointless questions 

Treatment Forms:
Medication: None 


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