
1 year, 11 months ago
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For Sale (Real Currency)


Duel the Gunner


Name Duel (PRT-N3R)
Species Robot
Age N/A
Gender N/A (They/Them)
Height 120 cm (3'11")
Weight 870.210 Kg (1918.484 lb)
Occupation Nomadic Pistolero
Ability Type Speed
Alignment Lawful Good
Affiliation ???

Duel is best described as a noble renegade, a mechanical yet sentient gunfighter that fights for the freedom of all living things, be they made of flesh or metal. They come with the wind, silently moving from task to task with efficiency and skill. Some people describe them as a solemn warrior, an apparition of steel created to fight the good fight alone. Others see them as a laconic guardian, a protector who reveres the lives of their comrades as well as their foes.

However, despite being all of these things, Duel is more than just a warrior. What they are is in service of what they love but cannot have, what they see but cannot feel. Sentience has not been kind to Duel, for it places inside them a feeling of emptiness intrinsic to all living beings. Others fill that void with dreams and ambitions, ultimately learning to appreciate what they can do in the world that was given to them. As a machine, Duel has no such luxuries, no dreams to conjure and certainly no one to share them with. Yet, their noble core pushes them to value the dreams of others in place of despairing over a lack of their own. Duel places no value in their life and instead focuses on the protection of the world around them, a world of dreamers striving for a future so close yet so far. In reverence to those that gave them life, Duel acts as an observant guardian, a curious overseer that learns from all living creatures and that, for better or worse, justifies the existence of all regardless of their nature. They do not believe in lethal force, extending their reverence of the natural world to an ideology that restricts them from employing any kind of lethal force. As a result of their relatively peaceful nature, Duel is often seen carrying around small creatures or engaging with local townsfolk who require assistance of any kind.

Though straightforward and laconic, engaging Duel in conversation mostly yields positive results. As a consequence of their ideologies, Duel opts to give all individuals a place to speak. They are relatively polite in conversation and seem to value the thoughts and opinions of others so long as they are not inherently harmful to others. They seem to hold inventors in high regard while they admonish those that use their intelligence for evil. Nevertheless, Duel justifies the existence of evil as an ultimately necessary part of nature, an element that must ultimately be balanced with the good of the world.


  • Chao gardens A natural extension of Duel's love for all living beings. They seem to be at peace the most when taking care of young Chao.
  • Inventors and mechanics Holds them in a high, near reverent regard. Duel often praises inventors regardless of their prowess, but seems to admonish those who waste their potential on nefarious affairs.
  • Declaring victory Duel enjoys declaring his victory with uncharacteristically smug actions. They have been seen consciously striking a pose after outsmarting opponents and will go as far as conversing mid-fight as a form of mockery.


  • Polluted areas A natural extension of Duel's disdain for their creator. Those places remind them that they are fighting for a world free of these places.
  • Eggman Empire supporters Time and time again, Duel sits down to ponder why any sane Mobian would wish the destruction of their own world. It appears they have come to some conclusive understanding that, ultimately, does not sway them to respect these kinds of people.
  • Lethal force Duel believes they do not have the right to rain down excessive pain upon their opponents, let alone take their lives.



Variable Shot System

Duel’s standard form of projectile is a laser shot, capable of dealing powerful kinetic impact damage to their foes. Using the Variable Shot System (VSS), Duel can alter the state of their shot by switching into one of three modes designed to create effects similar to those of the elemental shields. Each shot mode serves different functions, allowing Duel to apply different strategies by switching between modes on the fly. The Fire Shot Mode converts the laser shot into a slower but more powerful heat blast capable of tearing and melting through reinforced metals. The Water Shot Mode converts the laser shot into a condensed bubble of energy with a moderate rate of fire. The condensed energy bubbles can be placed as pseudo mines that, upon impact, explode into torrents and splashes of kinetic laser impact. The Lightning Shot Mode converts the laser shot into an electrically infused rapid fire shot with weaker kinetic impact. It makes up for its low damage output with its electrical properties, capable of temporarily stunning foes in place.


  • Variable Gunslinger Duel was programmed to be an efficient gunfighter, one capable of using their weaponry with the utmost efficiency. Gaining sentience enhanced their ability to creatively strategize and effectively use the various shot modes at their disposal. The accuracy of Duel’s shots is outstanding to the point where some have dubbed them "the fighter who wastes no shot."
  • Nature Lover Their appreciation of living things moves Duel to learn all they can about the beings they wish to protect. As such, Duel’s database is filled with all sorts of knowledge geared towards the preservation and conservation of flora and fauna.
  • Super Fighting Robot Duel is part of the now defunct E-1000 model of robots manufactured by Dr. Eggman. The series was built for efficient fighting, prioritizing movement speed, flexibility, and superior gunmanship. Over time, Duel has received various upgrades and modifications from other robot lines, effectively increasing their tactical prowess on the field.


  • Golden Determination Duel is steadfast in their efforts to cause as little harm as possible.As a noble effort, it speaks true of Duel’s intentions and generally moves people in his favor. However, more nefarious individuals normally take advantage of Duel’s golden-laced determination.
  • Off the Grid Most Badniks are connected by an online system called the Eggnet. Duel has been off the system for a while, effectively severing any and all control that their creator could exert over them. However, it also left Duel stranded and without a vast sea of information to guide them. Joining the Eggnet would offer a crucial advantage, with the caveat of alerting the doctor to their current location.


  • Automaton of Theseus Duel is far from a superior robot and has fallen at the hands of his Badnik brothers many times. Yet, the dreamers always carry him in their arms, reconstructing and modifying them when needed. Essentially, when Duel comes back to life, they effectively lose a part of themselves every time. In the present, their body no longer resembles what they originally looked like.
  • Speed Over Strength Duel was not built for strength-based combat and, as such, they have a strength level that is just above that of a normal Mobian. They compensate by using one-handed fighting styles that deflect blows instead of openly matching the strength of their foes.


Log One: Distant Dream

The stage of history is often fraught with grand tales of adventure, tales of noble heroes vanquishing the chaos of the world. However, the stage is also home to the silent players, those individuals who stay behind in the dark, observing as other grand tales unfold. While the world watched the Space Colony Ark incident unfold, a lonely E-1000 robot roamed the halls of Eggman’s pyramid base. They, along with the elite crew of the base, awaited the doctor’s victorious return. Yet, they received no prize, no victory, and no warm welcome from their great creator. Instead, the doctor abandoned his base and, consequently, its crew. After Sonic’s attack on the base, not many robots remained within the pyramid. In fact, most of the E-1000 models had been annihilated. With only a select few left, the remaining Badnik horde looked to them for guidance. Together, the robots maintained the pyramid base, hoping that their creator would return to lead them once again. Nonetheless, the years passed, and many new Eggman schemes came and went with them. Slowly, the horde lost hope and, as if they had a human heart, started deactivating one by one as the years went on. In the end, only one E-1000 remained. In the dark they remained, buried and forgotten amongst the empty shells of their mechanical brothers. In time, the lone E-1000 powered down, saddened that their beloved creator never returned to them. Within their last moments, the last robot felt something stir within them. It was a will, a conscience, something that they had never felt before. As it lost the last of its artificial consciousness, it began to feel truly alive but then there was nothing. There was no will or power. Just the silent remains of a now sentient robot falling into a distant artificial dream…

Log Two: Spirit Awakened

Deep in slumber, the lone robot continued to dream as its body wasted away. They imagined all kinds of new worlds, places so close yet always out of reach. One day, however, the sleeping automaton was awoken from their slumber by a strange mechanic named Roll. As E-1000 hummed to life, they felt a wave of emotions wash over them. Sadness, anger, love, and confusion. All these emotions swallowed the now sentient robot, engulfing them in a metaphorical sea they could never have even pondered to explore. Amongst the chaos, E-1000 anchored themselves in the idea of gratitude. It was that emotion that moved E-1000 to acquire a new mission: to protect Roll and all others like her. With a new objective, E-1000 and Roll traveled the world fighting the Eggman Empire, collecting relics and parts along the way. However, E-1000’s objective placed them in constant danger. Many times, the warrior was defeated by their mechanical brothers, their body battered and broken. Yet, in her arms, Roll carried the warrior forth. With each repair and modification, E-1000 began to turn into a distant memory. As they fell and rose again, they would lose more of the automaton that had remained inside the pyramid. They were reborn through the dreams of the person they sought to protect, losing memory after precious memory as they continued evolving into Duel, the noble renegade. Eventually, Duel lost the memory that contained their gratitude and love for Roll. Though Roll was now a stranger to them, a voice whispered in the back of Duel’s mind. It caressed them with an inkling of a memory, a barely visible idea that moved them to extend their gratitude to all living creatures. It was their objective, the promise of gratitude, coming back to them. Reaffirming their mission, Duel parted ways with the mechanic that had given them a second chance at life. With that, the lone pistolero set forth to continue its one true mission, the one memory that would remain no matter how many foes felled them in combat.

Log Three: Dream Reborn

In the present day, Duel travels the world fighting the Eggman Empire as The Noble Renegade. In their travels, Duel attempts to learn about the world and its people. Their love for the dreams of others grows stronger with each city and with each caring hand that reaches out to them for help. The stardust pistolero marches on, facing off against the chaos of the world with righteous might and golden-hearted determination.

Writing Samples

Sample One

A distant figure walked within a parade of sand and wind, moving through the dessert envelope in a passionate dance between spirits of the aether and the Earth. The sound of metal echoed through the parade, striking the earth like a hammer. Its presence lingered, like a bell calling all to observe what was coming. On the arid horizon, stuck amongst a sea of dunes, stood the gate of a small town. The gate itself beckoned for the strange figure to come, calling it in whispers as delicate as the rolling twirls of sand below its feet. The town folk observe from beyond the gate. Fear welled in their eyes, for the townsfolk knew nothing of this distant figure. However, the fears of the town folk disappeared as the parade of sand and wind disappeared as soon as it passed through the gate. There stood a lone robot dressed in cool hues, a large hat shielding its head from the sun and a poncho dressed in stars covering its entire body. Between those hues of blue, one could only see its eyes, mirrors of an artificial soul. The mechanical figure carried a small salamander, which they observed as it danced happily over their metallic palm. The townsfolk watched from afar, waiting for the automaton's gun arm to begin its assault. Yet, all they did was bestow their gaze upon the townsfolk. In response, a child broke away from the crowd and approached the visitor. The child eyed them and pondered, "What’s your name?" The robot, in response, drew its open palm close to the child. From it, the small salamander playfully bestowed a greeting. "I am Duel." As their artificial voice rang out, three surly figures broke away from the crowd. In their hands they carried many weapons, ones that the townsfolk winced at in horror. "And I fight for freedom," Duel spoke, moving the child to their side as they readied their weapon...

A few days later, news stations reported that a lone renegade had freed a town from the clutches of a tyrannical gang. Pictured was Duel, happily shaking the child’s hand as many others celebrated around them.


Name - Status

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Name - Status

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Name - Status

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.