Ryder Green




C.V. Hatanaka Tasuku

Age 18

Best Subject PE

Birthday Aug. 18th

Class 3B (RSA)

Club Theater Club

Height 178cm

Hobby Archery

Homeland Queendom of Roses

Design Notes

  • He's based on Disney's Robin Hood.
  • Despite being a red fox beastman, he doesn't have white hair on his tail.
  • His eyes are green but since he's constantly smiling, they always appear closed.
  • His hoodie has two holes for his ears.

Ryder Green


Ryder has a really bright and upbeat personality. He's constantly smiling and likes to cheer-up other people. However, some do find it a bit scary how he always seems to have that happy demeanor. How much of that is true and how much is merely an act?


  • Nature
  • Scenic arts
  • Crafts


  • The bourgeoisie
  • Injustice
  • Lazy people

Unique Magic

"Golden Arrow"

His Unique Magic lets him shapeshift into another person. The limitations of this magic are that he has to imitate an already existing image, he can't create a new appearance out of nowhere. And he has to study said person before copying them, he usually can't get it right on the first try.


Not much is known about him, and he doesn't like to share many details about his life either. He was born in a working class family in the Queendom of Roses, and has a big disliking for the burgeoisie. It seems that he often spent time harassing the kids of well off families, but he never seemed to acknowledge it as such. It's not clear whether he's aware of the fact that he's lowkey a bully, or if he's blissfully ignorant and truly believes that all of his actions are for the sake of justice.


One of his best friends from RSA. As they are both beastmen from the Rose Queendom, they have quite a few things in common and understand each other pretty well. They also both have extroverted mischevious personalities so they often get in trouble together.

One of his classmates from RSA. They know each other because Neige is famous as a star and Ryder is (in)famous as the local troublemaker. He likes Neige but finds his naïveté a bit boring.

They met each other at the VDC. As they are both hunters who use the bow and arrow, they have established a sort of unspoken friendly rivalry with each other.

