


1 year, 11 months ago


day out 11/05/2024
aliases: N/A
gender: F she/her
orientation: Heterosexual
born: 6/24/2000, (████████████)
Species: Feathal
occupation: N/A
residence: Salthine Town, Country of Eden
height: 4'09" / 144.8 cm
eyes/hair: White / Dark-light blue

I'm writing this down here so if others find this or if I manage to forget, they'll understand a little more about me. I'm Lilith, and I come from the deep depths of space, I know, it's weird, but with my time on this planet, I suddenly lost my ability to speak, the term being "mute" , my family got fed up with it and left me with almost nothing to sustain myself and Duncan, except for this house.

  • Duncan is my emotional support companion, he's helped me through thick and thin, he's been my only friend and family, I owe him everything.
  • It's been hard to keep this house my family left behind, I've never been able to keep a job due to my condition, the bills keep piling up and all seems hopeless, but all I care about is keeping Duncan and I safe.

I've been so tired of running all my life, and yet here I am.

  • I've noticed I'm rather thin, don't weigh much.. probably around 80 something pounds...
  • I don't know sign language, I prefer to communicate by writing.
  • I can admit, I'm very shy and timid around anybody.
  • I've been told that I never seem happy around anybody but Duncan and that I am really miserable.. That was before they left... Am I to blame?

I'm getting more and more tired as the days pass me, eventually us two will be out and without a place to live, I can only hope a miracle happens.

Duncan Friends/Family
Duncan has been the only one there for me 100%. I only want the best for him and I hope I am providing him a good life..
Heyhts Acquaintances
While in possibly the lowest state I've been in my life, lost in the dense forests of Tondor, Heyhts was the one that found me, he took no hesitation and took care of me, something nobody ever did for me. And despite having lost Duncan in that forest, I felt comfortable around him.
My family ...