


1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Legal Name

Louis Allis

Real Name

Flauros, the Reluctant Servant of Man


A man that I once saw in my dream.


A loyal servant to a witch on the surface, a conniving dragon driven by his own animalistic motives in sooth. Indeed, Flauros can be best described as a two-faced bitch. Always making sure to keep up appearances and be seen as a mild mannered servant, yet remaining a dragon all the same, Flauros is compliant only thanks to the magic seal restraining him. Yet no matter the calm and collected execution, one desire will burn inside Flauros forever: to be set free, to hunt, tear apart and devour those that imprisoned him and their successors.

Though centuries of imprisonment depraved him of most simple joys, Flauros is a heavy smoker and enjoys a good drink. He's vulnerable to nicotine withdrawals and becomes irrational and irritable in stressful situations. Despite usually drinking classy booze like cognac or whiskey, one of his favorite drinks is Malibu Sunset. Chewing on cherries and their stems is a secondary coping mechanism of his. Tying cherry stems into knots with his tongue is one of his minor talents.


Flauros can transform into his human form, his dragon form and in-between form that allows him limited access to his draconic strengths yet provides swifter movement.

He can breathe fire in all three forms.