Eula Alarie (Timeline)



  1. Eula arrived on Ulnel to team up with Wirrin for an important assignment 
  2. Eula and Wirrin go to Sovis to complete the assignment but get off track
  3. Eula makes friends with Lava, Judah, Rue and eventually Kamea
  4. Eula and Lava try to set up Wirrin and Kamea
  5. Eula goes back to her home planet 
  1. Eula stays on her home planet and works in the gardens (while secretly working on her art)
  1. People from many planets are gathered together on Sovis, Eula’s family are lucky enough to come
  2. Eula finds Kamea and Wirrin at the campsite first before searching for the other three who stayed back on Sovis many years ago
  3. Eula has incredible luck and is able to avoid every bad situation that happens to her friends, this makes her feel guilty
  4. The planetary meeting is over, Eula, Kamea, and Wirrin stay behind
  1. The Ik’il (Eula’s species) and the Nix (Rue’s species) went to war
  2. Rue went back to his home planet without saying goodbye, it made Eula sad 
  3. Eula moved in with Lava
  1. Kamea and Wirrin left
  2. Eula finally got to properly get to know Judah’s girlfriend, Sage
  3. Eula started to branch out her style of art and attempted impressionism 
  4. Lava and Eula still lived together
  1. Eula visited her home planet with Lava, conveniently her house wasn’t in the war zone  which was on the other side of the planet
  2. She, Lava, and Judah got a note from Rue explaining what happened 2 years prior
  3. Eula went to visit Kamea and Wirrin with Judah and sometimes Lava
  4. Rue came back