Bonnie Red (Grace)



1 year, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Lady Grace


N/A (somewhere around the end of her 20s)






Gracy, Star Warrior of Hope


Flintlock Pistol, Scimitar


Sir Arthur, Meta knight, DeMarco, the Knights of the G.S.A


Star Warrior, Pirate Guardian


Deceased (KIA - by Shady)



Grace is a gentle and sweet pirate, but she's quite prideful as well at times. However, she sees good in anyone, even if they don't seem that way. It's hard to make her hate someone. She was often peaceful with many, but on other times, she had to fight, when peace isn't an option, she goes into battle with no hesitation, leading her crew with full confidence in their capabilities. She sees their loyalty as her one and true treasure.
She would be called a queen of kindness by her people, a hopeful woman who would do anything to protect the ones she holds dear.

"If he does become a star warrior... look after him when I'm not there. I want to see your smile once again if I leave."

Grace was a kindhearted and noble warrior who kept the hopes up for many star warriors fighting against Nightmare's tyranny. She often was the most gentlest of souls in her home village, taking care of the injured, big or small, it didn't matter. Often many saw her as a light, her words speaking truth and kindness to all, seeing good in everyone, even those she fought.
She even took kindness to one mysterious stranger coming to her village, injured and alone, she nursed him back to health, taking him in. Teaching the stranger a few things, such as reading and fixing things, including sowing. She taught him kindness and loyalty. Grace even gave him a name he would keep for a long time, Meta Knight.

She was quite close the leader of the G.S.A (Galaxy Soldier Army), Arthur. Many speculating that they were a couple, but she never admitted it, saying the sea was her only true love. But the close bond both had with one another was clear to see for many, Arthur often went to counsel Grace for help or just to relax, he showed a lot of kindness and loyalty to her, but could be quite teasing at times. Both making fun of each other at times which eased tensions of certain situations they were put up against. Often Grace found comfort in Arthur more than anyone, so surely those speculations were true.

She had one goal in mind, and it was to see the rest of the galaxy that was out there, wanting to explore, but as the war against Nightmare came closer to her own home, she had to fight to protect everyone. Grace kept everyone's spirits up, giving them the courage to fight back with no fear, becoming a strong leader to them all, just like Arthur.

But unfortunately, she perished in one brutal attack, being careless, she was mortally wounded and taken by the enemy, never to be seen again. Everyone thought at least.

Grace still lives on, but in another form. The form of the Demon Beast Shady, #12, also known as Bonnie Red.


  • She loves roses, she used to have a garden filled with red roses.
  • The sea had always been an interest of hers, she had always wanted to become a pirate and explore.
  • The red petals coming out from her gun are from her own roses, to keep her close to home.
  • She often sang to ease the tension of her crew but also to give hope for the other star warriors around her.
  • Grace sewed a lot, making pillows and clothing, she ended up giving it to others who needed it the most.

Leaves And Lemons l Scarborough Fair l Wishing l Fearless and Brave