Egg (Atlas)'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

WafflesTrees Global Rules



This profile may contain themes that are not suitable for most audiences. Themes may include; NSFW, heavy gore, depictions of varies abuse, nudity, religious themes, and sensitive topics in general. If any of these themes make you Uncomfortable or bother you to some degree please leave my account immediately.

🌱Regarding my Characters:

- All characters on this ToyHouse profile belong to WafflesTrees unless stated otherwise. You are not allowed to repost, steal, resell, trade, heavily reference, or ship any of these characters as they do not belong to you. Doing any of the above will result in a blacklist and block/ban from this profile and its contents.

You may not offer on characters unless asked or stated otherwise. It makes me extremely uncomfortable when people ask for characters that I did not state were Up for Offers. Failure to adhere to my concerns regarding offers will result to first, a warning, and disregarding the warning and continuing to be pushing will result in a blacklist and block/ban from this account and it’s contents. Please respect my boundaries regarding my characters.

 If you like said character you are free to draw them by asking me via a comment. I enjoy all and any art I get of my characters and I will appreciate it greatly.

🧇Regarding My designs:

- I am a furry and anthropomorphic animal designer. It is my hobby and passion. You are not allowed to resell, repost, trade, or steal any of my designs that do not belong to you. Doing so will result in a blacklist and block/ban from this account and it’s contents along with a blacklist from owning, receiving, trading, buying any of my designs.

If you so happen to offer art or anything of the sort for any of my characters you have 1 month to contact me with an update, WIP, or finished piece. Failure to meet this requirement will result in you having a 1 month cooldown on offering on any of my designs from me personally. This does not include other ads from other sources, money offers, etc.

❗️On the chance I sell my design or even offer it away you are PROHIBITED from backing out from any offer. It is extremely discouraging and annoying when you back out from an offer because you were impulsive. You will be blacklisted if you do this. For art or character offers I will only tolerate it 3 times before you are blacklisted. Simply do not offer or bid on any of my designs if you do not have the time or money.❗️

When you own one of my designs you may redesign them. I would also like you to credit me for the original design. Failure to do so can result in a blacklist.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me via ToyHouse or instagram.

Possible ways to get blacklisted - shortened version:

  • Backing out on an offer or bid to many times (once for bids) 
  • Harassing me or others within comments or threads of adopts.
  • Failure to adhere to my TOS.
  • Stealing, Tracing, claiming, selling my designs without my consent or permission.
  • Disregarding any warnings I give
  • Drawing NSFW (gore and sexual) of any of my characters without consent and notice. Always assume I don’t want NSFW of any of my characters unless stated otherwise within the profile.


So far no one! <3