Marina Kelly




Name: Marina Kelly
Nickname(s): Kelly
Talent: Ultimate Marine Animal Trainer
Class: 75th
Home: Exmouth, Australia
Age: 18 (Graduation, Entering Hope's Peak University), 20/21 (Tragedy Begins), 24/25 (Hope's Peak University Reopens)
Height: 181 cm (5'11")
Weight: 71 kg (156 lbs)
Birthday: October 27 (♏)
Family: Summer Kelly (Mother), Kiara Kelly (Mother)
Position in Future Foundation: 15th Division - Special Branch; Member
Skills/Abilities: Swimming, Marine Animal Training, Increased Lung Capacity, Upper Body Strength
Languages: English, Japanese, Spanish (Conversational)
Dating: Carlos Rosales, James Hepburn

Marina was raised by avid marine biologists, and grew up to have a deep love of sea life. Summer worked for a sea life theme park, researching and educating visitors on endangered sea turtles, while Kiara worked out in the field. Marina, as a result, spent nearly every weekend at the theme park and at the beach and grew to love all kinds of sea life. She grew to be particularly fond of manatees and other aquatic mammals and began interning there at a very young age. It was eventually realized that she had a great bond with all of the mammals and she began working more closely with them and eventually began training them. She grew to be the top trainer at the park. While working with the killer whales, Marina's leg was damaged by a playful whale named Clara which resulted in the loss of her foot and part of her leg.

Marina began rehabilitation with her prosthesis and when she went back to work she began working with an injured manatee named Sophie and bonded with her. She eventually went back to her normal routine, and continued to train Clara and gained critical acclaim for the act. She was eventually contacted by Hope's Peak and moved to Japan.

During her time at Hope's Peak Academy Marina bonded with all 15 of her fellow classmates, but was closest to Giovanni, Carlos, James, Dahlia and Jackie. She began dating Carlos a few months after they met, and became very close with James and eventually entered a more romantic relationship with him. After their graduation, they were offered enrollment at Hope's Peak University, an experimental college for Ultimates. Marina, along with her 15 other classmates accepted, and spent the remaining time leading up to The Tragedy there.

Once The Tragedy started, Class 75th was evacuated by Rahul's father, as well as their families. The group was eventually contacted to become part of the Future Foundation. They accepted, returning to Japan and fighting against the Despairs and attempting to rescue Class 78th. Shortly after, Makoto Naegi reached out to them to assist in helping the Remnants of Despair be rehabilitated, which Marina was a part of.

After the world began returning to normal, both branches of Hope's Peak were reopened, and Marina along with Class 75th returned to classes.


-Marina means "from the sea" and relates to her talent of training marine animals
-Marina says that she was named such because of her mothers deep love of the ocean
-Kelly is the anglicized version of the name Ó Ceallaigh ('descendant of Ceallach’), meaning 'bright-headed'
-Marina's favorite animal is the manatee, and she has a large amount of manatee-based belongings
-Marina also has a large amount of the products sold at the park she works at, and nearly a third of her shirts are from the park
-Although her job has her working with namely mammals, Marina is well educated on most sea life and can name most fish just by looking at them
-Marina wakes up every day around 5:30 to go on a run with Carlos
-Marina expresses a deep frustration of pet fish and hermit crabs, as they are seen as beginner pets and often mistreated
-Marina doesn't eat any kind of seafood



Present Reactions:

Loves:"No way! Where'd you get this, I've been looking everywhere for one of these!"
"Now this is a present! Brace for hugging Keiko!"
Likes:"You don't want this? It's a gift? Aww ain't you sweet!"
"You're just gonna give me this? You're cool as fuck Keiko!"
OK:"I was totally thinking about needing this today!"
"This is tight as fuck."
Dislikes:"Uh... thanks."
"Is this a gag gift?"
Hates:"Wowza. If this was the best you could do I gave you way too much credit."
"Um... well I guess I can regift this. To someone I hate."

Free Time Event and Dialogue Options:

Free Time Event 1

Spend Some Time With Marina
Marina: Yo, Keiko! What's up?
Keiko: Hi Marina. What are you doing?
Marina: Getting ready to go on a run! Since I can't swim, a run is the next best thing!
Keiko: Sounds like you're big on swimming then?
Marina: Yup! I have to be! As the Ultimate Marine Animal Trainer I have to be really good at swimming!
Keiko: So did being a marine animal trainer come first? Or swimming?
Marina: Oh, hard question! I think they both came at the same time. My moms were always either at the beach, in the ocean or at the sea park!
Marina: My home became anywhere salt water and sea life was. I loved swimming, and I loved all the animals at the park!
Keiko: What kind of animals do you work with?
Marina: I work with any marine animals! Anything that lives in the ocean and breathes air you can bet I work with.
Marina: But I do help out with some of the fish whenever I'm needed!

Marina: What's your favorite marine animal?
Keiko: I've always liked seahorses, but I don't think they're technically an animal...
Keiko: So maybe dolphins?
Marina: Nice! Fun fact, did you know the orca, more commonly known as the killer whale, is actually a dolphin?
Marina: Hey Keiko, try to guess my favorite marine animal! I'll give you a hint, it's grey!
Keiko: What kind of animal could be Marina's favorite? Maybe it's...
A Shark
Keiko: Is it a shark?
Marina: Sharks are cool, but they're technically a fish.
Marina: Marine animals are considered to be any mammal living in or relying on the ocean.
Marina: Fun fact, the great white shark has an estimated bite force of up to 4,000 PSI. Compare that to a tiger, with a bite force of around 1,000 PSI.
Keiko: I guess shark wasn't it. I better try again before she goes off on a tangent...
A Seal
Keiko: Is it a seal?
Marina: Nope, but seals are absolutely precious!
Marina: Fun fact about seals! The largest seal is the Southern Elephant Seal which can grow to 13 feet in length and weigh up to 2 tons!
Marina: Seals can produce milk composed of 61% fat, causing their babies to gain 3-5 pounds a day!
Marina: So who couldn't love such a cute little fatty?
Keiko: Guess it wasn't seals... Better say something else or she'll never stop talking...
Keiko: Is your favorite animal a manatee?
Marina: Ding ding ding! Bingo! You guessed it!
Marina: But really who couldn't see a manatee and not fall in love instantly?
Marina: I know everything about manatees! Did you know Christopher Columbus actually mistook three manatees for mermaids during his voyage, which was the first written record of manatees in North America!
Keiko: You must really love manatees.
Marina: Who wouldn't? But my favorite manatee is Sophie. I worked with her back at the park a lot. She was a lot like me, I think.
Marina: She had an injured tail when she was brought in, and it was my job to help rehabilitate her and help her adjust. At the time, I was still recovering from my own accident.
Marina: I was in a slump, but she brought me out of it. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to her...
Keiko: Sounds like she means a lot to you.
Marina: You have no idea. When we get out of here, you should come back to Australia with me and meet her!
Keiko: I'd love that.
Marina: It's a date then!
Keiko: I feel like I understand Marina a lot better now. She and Sophie are a lot alike. I want to help her see her again. I'll work hard to get us all out of here, and I know Marina will too. 
Marina's Report Card has been updated based on your experience with her.
You just unlocked the skill Dive!

(Art by Bi-te)