Melanila Drosogaster



6 years, 3 months ago



Dear sweet Melanila is a quirky little grandma. She has her own whimsical way of thinking that makes total sense to her, but doesn't always apply to reality. That makes her quite vulnerable, but you'd have to be a complete monster to exploit her kindness. Luckily, she's pretty much universally loved and cared for by her students


BirthdayJune 1st - Gemini
Life typeFaerie (fruit fly)
GenderShe/her (faes are intersex)
OccupationPotions teacher


  A superstitious lady with many rituals. Lives a life full of bizarre and comical adventures spurring from the most mundane occurrences. Often doesn't notice or realize things that have been under her nose for years

  Super sweet, always willing to help with the little she can do, even if it's just giving you a cookie to brighten up your day. Everyone matters equally to her, and she loves getting to know people better. Strives to work and teach in playful forms. Tries sharing advice or some wise sayings, but forgets how it goes 

  Despite being entirely well-meaning, she's innocently clueless and can be hard to communicate with. Quickly jumps to conclusions without even finishing hearing you out. Goes off on weird tangents, often accidentally talks over you and just says what her heart pours out, even if it's kinda blunt or weird. When confused, will not move an inch and will patiently and persistently keep asking questions until it makes sense to her again

  Incredibly gullible and easy to influence if you know how. Operates entirely on the code of honor and assumes the same of others; cannot fathom that someone who seems nice could lie or do something illegal, especially to her. Becomes heartbroken if that's the case, yet still never learns. Lacks an instinct for her own survival and often walks into danger

  Sensitive, takes matters seriously, worries deeply and empathetically, puts herself into others' shoes. Sad thoughts overwhelm her from the inside and make her physically ill