


2 years, 7 hours ago
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Basic Info






Theme song! Β 

Boink is always full of bouncy excitement and seems to stay cheerful no matter what. He likes to think he can never fail to make others smile. He loves cracking jokes, playing games, doing tricks, and giggling with everyone he meets. Boink is cute (and he knows it) and his cuteness only adds to how good he is at entertainment. He does seem to be a bit cocky however, and acts like a toddler throwing a tantrum if he fails to cheer someone up. Unfortunately, this can happen often, as Boink isn't good at picking up on other's moods or emotions and thus can become more annoying than fun.

Boink's biggest pet-peeve is when someone forgets their name. They have a hard time communicating when they feel offended, so when someone forgets their name they may act strange. Though they don't really get mad, they may seem more grabby and begin to tell jokes that aren't quite so nice out of stubborness, instead of just saying what's wrong. If Boink feels upset or disliked they will either act in these odd spiteful ways or shut down and sneak away to hide. Boink is always able to bounce back though, and is never caught crying. This makes most believe they are simply always happy.

Boink has ADHD and OCD which make him really hate being unclean and contributes to his lack of understanding emotions. While he is not very organized, Boink will never be caught dirty as it is a sensory ick for him to be wet or unkept. He will often say "Boink", "Boop", "Bap", or make little trumpet noises as happy or nervous verbal stims. He also has a few hand stims, where he may shake or flap his paws when extremely excited. Boink's favorite colors are all of brownish shades and for that reason, that's all he will wear.