


6 years, 5 months ago


Koloran (pl. Kolorans)


Set on Earth in the year 2239, the first known Koloran was discovered in 1823. Over the years, Kolorans assimilated into human society. The first television in the world was inspired and invented by a Koloran.

The world around them has a mix of the aesthetic of the 50s, steampunk and the 21st century. It's a mess. Sentient robots exist, although they are less common than Kolorans.

Kolorans, asides from their skin color and their monitor-like heads, are quite humanlike in appearance. Although while they are also similar in anatomy, their structure is far different. Their blood is a sky blue, and their skin and flesh is actually a white, goopy and viscous fluid that solidifies as the Koloran grows older. It will, however, melt more easily in heat than human flesh would. The upside is, that while this structure can be frail against some elements, it regenerates quickly. If a Koloran loses mass through injury, eating will bring them back into shape swiftly. For them, injuries to the intestines and liver aren't fatal, as they regenerate faster than they would in a human.

They tend to bruise easily, which is why almost all Kolorans tend to wear full bodysuits under their clothing. In a majority of communities, any color other than white or black is considered gaudy.

Kolorans always have blue markings on their bodies, slightly brighter than the color of their blood. Some only have the (rarely ever missing) symbol of their bloodline, others could additionally have different markings inherited from older ancestors.

There are also two known subspecies of the Koloran kind: Urban Kolorans, and Rural Kolorans. Urban Kolorans are more sensitive to the heat, while Rural Kolorans are more sensitive to the cold. For the urbans, their skin becomes "goopy" in excess heat (30°C), and for the rurals, it becomes brittle in the cold (-5°C).


Kolorans, when they are born, are merely a translucent mass of sticky slime. They are distinctly larger than human infants, although giving birth is easy with their elasticity. For the first month, their body will be translucent and malleable, and slowly become more opaque and human-shaped as time goes on. By 2 months, the Koloran's body becomes fully opaque and more humanoid-shaped. Due to their thickness, their form appears wide and squished. Koloran babies are known for being very large, standing at 2' tall at 2 months. As time goes on and they grow taller, the weight spreads throughout their body evenly. Their size is the reason why pregnant Kolorans have such an incredible appetite before giving birth, and why they require little nutrition for the first few months of their life. A young Koloran will let its parents know when it begins to require actual nourishment.

The faces of Koloran children are round and with minimal features. Kolorans only gain the facial features of their screen at the age of 2, and grow their antennas at the age of 3. By the age of 5, they finally develop their screen and monitor. Their monitors always begin as white, and their screen colors pale. The monitor will get darker as they grow older, and the screen will become more saturated. Their screens reach full color at 6, and the monitors continue darkening until a dark gray color at the age of 12.

The highly varied colors seen on the monitors of Kolorans are always painted on, typically in the form of a tradition carried out at the age of 12 when their monitors finish developing. Some are attached to their old paints, but many don't find it strange at all to repaint it after 18. Repainting their monitors too often is considered distasteful, however.