Vincent N. Moore



2 years, 1 day ago


Name: Vincent N.
Age: 21-22 in current time
Birthday: September 20th
Mbti: ENTP
Sexuality: Unlabeled, ???
Gender: Cisgender Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 6'7" (why is he a giant bye)

Personality traits: Confident, motivated, serious, competitive, flirty, overprotective, possessive, perfectionistic at times, intelligent, charismatic, clever, persuasive, definitely teases others, well mannered, curious, natural leader, enthusiastic. Friendly, can come off as intimidating, doesn't respond well to losing, especially competitively. Can come off as headstrong. Independent, never truly happy with their work, extroverted, often seen doing things on a whim or spontaneously. Typically follows logic over their emotions, however very quick to show Yukio his affections and feelings regardless, easily flustered at times but usually better at hiding it. Innovative, enjoys debates, not big on schedules and routines for the most part but tolerates them regardless. Can come off as insensitive but does genuinely care, open minded, quick witted, good at communicating, doesnt cope well with boredom, rational, passionate, laidback at times, supportive, affectionate or withdrawing, practical, loyal.


Vincent's family has far more dirt on them than yukios, thus out of the two where one is pristine and perfect (or so people think) the other is seen as dangerous and untrustworthy in some aspects yet still successful and powerful. growing up everyone treated vincent like some kind of monster for the scandals his parents did which caused him to grow colder to other and afraid of others even. he developed anxiety but he refuses to show weakness regardless. one of the first people he opens up to this all about is yukio, originally upon meeting yukio he is extremely jealous of his reputation thinking along the lines of "why not me," before getting closer and realizing things truly are not as they seem. vincent is afraid of showing vulnerability similar to yukio which causes them to relate and have moments of subconsciously opening up to one another. vincent can sometimes get stuck in his own head because of his life and can do things that come off as overly charming yet deceptive. vincent himself is not a bad person but does fall into bad traits and habits, roughly like the "become what that they think you are" ideology. in so he can do deceptive, persuasive and manipulative things for his own gain but not to those he cares about. despite it all and doing his best to put on a front and not latch onto anybody or care, he has a big heart and truly cares for those he loves. (later on being yukio, and a close friend, ryo) (WIP, last updated 1/10/23)

Relationships: Rivals (w/ tension, sx + romantic) Yukio.

Close friends w/ Ryo

Kane doesn’t like him at first.

(Kane, Ryo, Yukio, Vincent) Kane and Ryo are childhood friends but then later Yukio comes long and it’s a trio but then LATER Vincent comes long, mostly to bother Yukio because they are rivals and wanted to get under their skin by joining their friend group but it actually worked out because they ended up with small moments of being left alone together to get to know each other and bond because they both aren’t very open people.

Rest is WIP

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