【 ✦ yamiyo ✦ 】



2 years, 9 days ago



august 20. 2022




abuse ✦ rape ✦ suicide


Yamiyo was born orphaned to unknown chimera parents. He was left at a local orphange where he was brought up for most his life. While he worked hard to be the best cadidate for adoption during every viewing, Miyo's status as a chimera deferred potential adopters. Miyo didn't understand that people favored his type less at the time. As the years went on, his caretakers grew weary of him. They gave him the short end of the chores, always tasking him with more workload or the worst tasks possibles. Slowly, the docile, naive, and obedient Miyo turned unruly in retaliation. He began to shirk his duties and make messes in his wake. He started mixing with variants on the streets and became influenced by their lifestyle.

The orphanage feared their reputation being tainted and didn't want to keep him any longer. He was already 13 years old by now, and their resources were running thin for chimeras. They kicked him out in the streets. Miyo scraped by with little to go off, often resorting to pickpocketing and stealing. It wasn't until he turned 16 when he picked the wrong pocket. Miyo quickly found himself in trouble as the man he tried to steal from captured him and handed him off to authorities at a brothel.


The young boy was tasked with doing basic housekeeping and waiting until he matured into adulthood. Miyo was sterilized so he would not bear any children while he worked. Miyo was never allowed to forget the debt he owed the brothel for keeping him alive. He knew the tasks he needed to do to bring the brothel their commission. While he willingly gave himself away to men and women seeking their pleasures, Miyo was not happy with the quality of life. Miyo attempted several ways to end his life but the occurances always fell short of success. While Miyo recovered, he would be taxed with more debt, as he was "grateful to be alive." Miyo gritted his teeth through his depression, though now he was filled with spite for the orphanage and brothel.

He continued to work and arose as one of the top performers. It was only then that his tax of simply living lessened a smidge, only motivating him to keep his wits about him and sell his body further. While his attitude was perky, he secretrely cursed every single customer he received. That is until his eyes caught on a Russian hunter. Miyo approached the man simply looking for an adventure, he had heard that foreingers would pay a hefty shilling for time spent. Miyo charmed the older gentleman into bed that night, earning more than he had hoped for. Needless to say, Miyo found his jackpot.

Miyo continued to see Sasha, always reminding the man his time had fees. As time went on, Miyo started to feel more an more guilty, but he was quickly working off his debt and while he had other customers, he kept coming back to meet Sasha. Eventually he knew Sasha would turn him down, and he did. Miyo had drained the man's wallet dry. They understood the arangement could not go on any longer and parted ways. Miyo thought he wouldn't feel anything from this departure, but he always kept his eyes on the door to spot Sasha. Days, weeks, months passed, Miyo continued to feel some sort of emptiness he couldn't place. As if the empty husk had been filled only to be stripped away, when had it been filled? Miyo didn't know. If he knew anything, it was that he missed Sasha. Missed the gentleness of the older man, the way he held Miyo was different than any other.

Finally. Finally the day came when Miyo's ears perked with the sound of Sasha's voice. He was at the bar after many months. Miyo acted without thinking. He approached Sasha, however as the other turned Miyo down with same circumstance, Miyo quickly proposed they meet without any fees. Miyo was desperate. He didn't want to admit it, but he was desperately wanting Sasha's touch.

Miyo didn't know how to explain it. He didn't want to put a label on the feelings he held for the older man, it was strange and unfamiliar. He couldn't be in... love. With continued meetings with Sasha, Miyo slowly realized the feelings, and he was even slower in relaying them. He didn't want to change their relationship, afraid of what that might hold for them in the future. However, Sasha approached him with the confrontation. With no escape, Miyo choked out that his feelings were mutual.


Miyo left the brothel with one final big payment, keeping the extra savings he took from Sasha-- with intent to return the money back to his now partner. Though Miyo appreciates Sasha's spending habits on him, he often scolds the man for being too loose and reassures him he's all Miyo needs.

✦ TL,DR ✦





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