Omid (Booster Arrow)



1 year, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name


Magical Girl Title

Booster Arrow


June 20


Team Booster


Active MG


Attacker, Support




Bow & Arrow


Energy arrows; Boost powers of MGs


Booster Chariot's thematic partner. She's the strategist of the duo and will reign in Chariot's impulsivity. She is a great team player and knows when to tag in and out of battle.

Arrow can shoot arrows on foot and is a fairly fast sprinter, to boot. The arrows are somewhat effective against smaller monsters but do little against larger ones. However, if she shoots another magical girl, she can give them a more temporary and less powerful boost of the same type Chariot can provide. The tradeoff for a decreased duration and effectiveness is that Arrow can provide this aid from a greater distance (and up to two girls at a time, vs Chariot's one passenger limit). It drains her a little more than firing regular shots, though, and a lot more if it's while riding with Chariot. The latter makes both her and Feriha dizzy, so Arrow doesn't do it often. Counterintuitively, Boosters Arrow and Chariot are more effective separated rather than together in the chariot, so they ride together more often strictly for transportation rather than during combat.

A boosted girl will glow red while receiving Arrow's boost. Their powers will become enhanced in some specific way for the duration - about 10 seconds. This enhancement varies depending on the MG and their powers, but generally speaking acts as a "Hyper Mode". Their sword will grow sharper/larger, the reach of their area of effect will extend, etc. all at no extra magical cost to the wielder. It will be the same effect for the same MG each time Arrow hits that specific person. Neither Arrow nor the target MG will know the exact effect until the first arrow strikes that person, though Arrow has gotten kinda good at guessing outcomes. Arrows harmlessly pass through civilians.

The boost Arrow herself receives while riding on the chariot is improved effectiveness of her archery overall. Arrow can shoot with greater power/range, with multiple arrows at once, or with a slight homing effect (one bonus effect at a time). If she shoots Chariot, the chariot becomes faster, more durable, and can damage enemies more. The effect works for closer to 30 seconds on Chariot. Arrow is the only MG that can consciously choose from multiple specific effects of a boost.

Between Chariot and Arrow, Team Booster earns their name and can be a valuable supportive asset to any team in danger. As a result they tend to patrol as far away from health centers as possible to provide aid and mobility in areas that would otherwise be far from help. Neither member of Team Booster can heal, themselves, so the two will often split up in case of transporting an injured MG to safety, since Chariot can only fit one passenger without straining herself. While Chariot plays Ambulance, Arrow will provide a distraction or fend off enemies as she retreats until additional backup arrives. (The arrows can function well as a signal flare in a pinch!)

Omid is a Persian name meaning "hope".