-ON Angels



1 year, 10 months ago


-on angels

it / they - aduitrix angels

Halcyon, Avalon, and Oberon; each only a few weeks old, Avalon is the youngest and Oberon is the oldest.


  • Very small, you could hold all three of them in one hand and they would be comfy
  • Tend to sleep a lot 
  • Enjoy the warmth of freshly done laundry
  • No shapeshifting abilities yet

about guardian angels

  • They have 2-4 voices which speak simultaneously, giving their voices a chord-like sound; this is usually pleasant to listen to
  • Very small at birth, they grow more wings, eyes, and rings as they age
  • Made of thin but strong fibers; they are considered hard to kill due to their ability to regenerate broken or lost limbs quickly
  • Their “skin” will explode when threatened or under extreme stress, the blast(usually small) leaves a strong burning sensation on anything/anyone it touches; a skinless angel is bright reddish pink in color and it’s limbs/wings are reduced to a spiky stump, they are twice as vulnerable until they can regenerate