


Basic Info

name meaning

derived from 'Vaccinium', the plant genus in which cranberries are in.


python dog

gender and pronouns

male / masculine

hobbies / career*

skull painting and artwork*, cooking

main likes

cranberries (in all forms!), art, painting, scavenging, exploring, walks in the woods looking for bones.

main dislikes

those quick to judge, getting things handed to him, squirrels


Vacc enjoys making a lot of things, however if he had to choose a favorite, it would definitely be his artwork! not just any type of artwork however... Vacc cleans and paints very intricate designs on animal skulls that he finds! Yes, skulls. However, it's not what you might think... this python dog does it out of respect. Instead of letting the only remains of the animal disappear, he paints a vivid, beautiful design on it! He tends to base the colors of the patterns the animal dorned while living, for example black and white for a skunk, or orange and black for a fox. Most other Python Dogs think vacc is weird for this, but he doesn't care what they think. As long as he enjoys it and feels that he truly is doing a good thing, Vacc will continue his hobby, making art on death, to celebrate life!