Blizzard Solstice



2 years, 1 day ago



     Solstice is a watchful, even-spirited pony, standing tall beside her beloved sister, Tyrian. Her personality can be described as somewhat standoffish, rowdy, and empathetic only toward those who are most deserving of it. Solstice represents the bitter breath of life, and if she crosses the ground where a baby is to be born, and the conditions are just right, snowfall will immediately begin to fall soon thereafter.

     A light and calming coolness is said to bloom within the very soul of the hands of the holder when this gruff pony lays her horn across their poor flesh or fur, evening out stress and settling extreme discomfort and paranoia. Ponies who have been said to touch Solstice's horn without consent survive with crippling, ever-continuing nightmares of brutal horrors untold and will perish at an unknown time where an accident may have been preventable. Her aloof and chilly attitude may seem like a downside at first, but her heart truly blossoms in the face of one that's trustable. Akin to her sister's regalia, Solstice's horn is not ridged, but instead a heavily sharpened weapon ready in the event of needing a form of self defense.


Credits: Nerdy-pixel-girl on dA for Bubble Dividers | Virus-Xenon on dA for Moon Flowers | RariDecor on dA for Fancy Blue Divider