
6 years, 4 months ago


Peter was created because of a dream I had where I was him which was the possession and eyeballs part

Peter was a popular boy, a bit rude and self-centered, and loved playing baseball. his whole life was ruined when he accidentally messed around with the wrong things, ended up possessed, and stabbed both his parents to death, consciously experiencing the whole thing. he gouged out his own eyes when the horrific demon threatened to show its face once again after everything (my dream prevented me from seeing the face. sad). now he's just a freak with the intense urge to beat anything supernatural to death. he hangs around with Gabriel, only because he's helpful, and Gabriel only stays because Peter threatens him if he tries to leave. Peter is very violent and abusive toward Gabriel, constantly putting him down for everything he does and is and occasionally using him as a punching bag to let off steam. Peter still blames Gabriel for his situation because weeks prior to the possession Gabriel and a friend had attempted a ritual to ward off the demon, and Peter believes it had been the thing to set the demon on him in the first place. I don't think he fully believes it, but probably mainly uses it as an excuse just to have someone to blame.

Before his possession Peter had a few genuine friends; Ian, Matt, and Toby. he also had a girlfriend, Beatrix, who everyone thought was honestly perfect for Peter and viewed them and their relationship as their own goal in life, although behind that facade it was a very different story how Beatrix treated Peter

Peter's cuts and scars on his arm are from his futile attempts to recreate the ritual, his desperate desire to go back to how things were and be done with all of this and just live a normal fucking life jesus christ he'll do anything. he's never been one to purposefully harm himself but he'd bleed himself dry if it meant he could go back to the day with his friends in the abandoned house one more time, to have a conversation with Toby one more time, or to tell his parents he loved them just one more time.