


1 year, 11 months ago


Hello! Welcome to my commissions queue!

The turnaround time may be lengthened depending on how many commissions I am currently working on in the queue. Commissions have slight priority over art and character trades (especially art trades because I work relatively quickly)! I work on multiple commissions at a time to avoid burnout. Some art may be completed faster than others regardless of queue because of character complexity!

For pagedolls: 50% completion means that the first frame is complete and that's when I send the first WIP image. Anything higher than 50% means I have started animating it, but that stage is usually faster!

For 3D: Specific stages/steps are listed to the right of the percentage! Usually 80% is when I complete all of the non-colored model since this stage takes the longest. The last 20% is occupied by texturing/lighting/rendering, etc. (which takes up far less time.)

Current Turnaround Time: ALL will be complete by May 28

Any images under this profile are WIP images for people I'm communicating with through toyhouse! I'm not sure of any better way to share these (other than Sta.sh and google drive, which I dislike using) so unfortunately they have to be public. Will be removed once pagedolls are finalized & sent over!