Pandora the Audacious



1 year, 11 months ago


Other name(s): Pandora the Audacious
Age: Biologically 47 / Chronologically ???
Pronouns: She/Her
Sex/Gender: Trans Woman
Height: 4'9" / 1.45m

Alignment: Questor Traitoris [Dreadblade]


Name: Imposement of Honour
Designation: Knight Rampager

Known History
Born on the world of [H.World] and within the Knight House [I.House]. Being well educated of their history of glorious and victorious, it always was Pandora's dream and goal to live up to the triumphs of her ancestors. Even as she transitioned genders and underwent the Ritual of Becoming, Pandora had full faith of her house and their glories... However, soon within her new service of a Knight Gallant, the corruptive nature of the house came clear, the dishonourable actions of only fighting in battles where victory could've been achieved even without the 'assistance' of House [I.House]. Pandora stayed however, determined that one day the house would deserve their titles so high as protectors of humanity.

Even the wars and internal conflicts had to be put aside though, soon Pandora found a lover within the ranks of the Imperial Navy during one of House [I.House]'s many weak 'assistances.' Sharing and understanding her thoughts of her household, the officer became extremely close to her during their travels, and soon the two had a child called Hesiod, decided to be raised in safety of a Knight World as their other parent resumed their work within the Navy. Hesiod grew up much like his mother, inspired by the history of their bloodline and undertaking the Ritual of Becoming themselves...

...But unlike his mother, who had fought tooth and claw and nail to bring true honour to the honourless house, Hesiod fell perfectly with the dogs, contempt with only fighting when victory was assured and nothing else. Pandora was enraged beyond all emotion, the betrayal as all her efforts to rally the knights to their true glories when the Imperium needed them most. With what would've unknowingly become her last Imperial Deployment, Pandora managed to requisition a Chainsword, stowing it away from everyone else until they returned to [I.House]. Pandora knew that they would've proclaimed the fight as a great victory, like always, to drink to excess and sleep their sins away. It started with the high kings and nobles, the violent revving of the toothed weapon carried hatred and rage as it carved through the betrayal, the dishonour, and the lethargy she had pushed against for so much of her life. Then came the lesser bloodlines, their bones shattering as the tool of Pandora's justice as they tried to run, half aware of the massacre within their grand castle...

And Lastly, Hesiod, who's fear and panic couldn't save him. He begged naturally, trying to remind her of the times of love and care... Love and care that only went one way apparently, as his weeping and crying was drowned by the vicious motor of her weapon. 

But it seemed her actions weren't hidden, Pandora had no need to hide naturally, but it soon came clear as she looked out the windows of the great fortress and saw cities around the keep burning. She was confused but not concerned as the pilot went to her Knight and left to investigate. The fires were intense, but infront of a scorched cathedral to the God-Emperor, Pandora found those who had started this civil and asked what was happening, receiving a response too enticing to ignore; There was another god on the rise, who's values of honour and bloodshed, his demons scattered the location. Her curiosity was peaked but she still doubted until a mighty creature burst from the stained glass of the cathedral, replacing the scene of the God-Emperor with an Avatar of Bloodshed that charged the mighty knight, seeking to cause carnage. The knight obliged, duelling the greater demon as the Rockcrete underneath shattered and cracked until blood was spilled across a sand-like floor, a taste of a true fight as Pandora was wisked away into the warp, carrying her first tribute to the Throne of Skulls with her...

Favoured by Khorne and claiming her well-deserved glories and honours, Pandora radiates an aura of what it means to be a true Knight. Even as she decorates the newly named Imposement of Honour with the masks of fallen knights, each pilot slaughtered is a gift to Khorne. Even as she commands the hoards of Bloodletters around her, synergising with Bloodthirsters, and only answering to the Demon Princes and Khorne himself, Pandora's reign has become to spread the beliefs of Khorne and his followers.



Additional Notes

-[H.World]'s gravity is slightly higher then usual, meaning most people born on world have adapted to be shorter and stronger.
-Thanks to the blessings of Khorne, Pandora's glowing eyes are able to see the honour of any beings. Ranging from a shadow-covered darkness to a glorious brightness.