
2 years, 3 months ago



Kye is in his mid 30s. His father was a steel karmot and his mother was a wind karmot.

He is quite open and friendly to newcomers but has a short temper, a nervous streak and gets upset very quickly, usually with himself. When he gets particularly nervous, his eye monitor may begin to glitch or malfunction which causes him to become more upset and aggressive. He’s a people pleaser who loves positive attention and helping out anyone who comes to him, despite their ability to pay him. His brain has been partially linked to a robotic brain, due to some brain damage he sustained during the fire. This means he learns very quickly, has a very good long term memory and is able to keep a great knowledge of robotics and prosthetics information in his head compared to the average person. However, it affects his short term memory sometimes, so he may seem disorganised and forgetful. As well as this, he occasionally has issues with speech and coordination, but generally is able to keep these things under control as long as he stays relatively calm.

He survived a fire when he was a baby, but was blinded and lost most of his forearms and lower legs. Serious injury was quite common in his community (due to the nature of their work and the landscape itself), even in childhood. His father and grandparents helped to nurse him back to health, and provided him with prosthetics, including a visor-like prosthetic eye device. For a while, this didn’t actually work as it was fairly new technology, but eventually he regained some vision. His vision is better closer up than far away.

Kye learned to perform these types of operations which was important and very popular in his town. He’s a fast learner and is considered by some to be the best option for robotic enhancements. In the past, he has had (and occasionally still has) struggles with his mental health and addiction problems due to the trauma of the fire and body image issues. He began obsessively replacing parts of his body to cover up scars and constantly replacing his hardware to be the latest model, until only a few small areas of his original body remained. 

 He lives in the same town as Hammond, and the two grew up as friends despite an almost 10 year age difference (their parents were friends). 

Karmot #33 on the masterlist