TBN's Comments

If this fella is still open i'd offer 10 or 20$ for them! 

Hey! Yes they are, tho someone offered for them to, but rn you offer more, i will give notice to the person and if they dont go higher, ill sell em to you!

Ill give notice to you as son as i got the answer from the other person!

Okay! Sounds good to me! <3

hey a little update: sayd person cant add more, so they are pretty much yours, just wanna know how you would like to pay [Personaly for me its best over ko fi, but if you dont have that i can also take it over paypal!] and how much exacly you wanna pay!

I will put the adopt on hold for now!

I do not have Ko fi sadly, but I do in fact have Paypal! I can send over the 20 dollars to you right away! 

Ok ill dm you th email to send the payment over!