Nexus Galaxy (Ruby’s Twin)



6 years, 8 months ago


Name: Nexus Galaxy 

Gender: Agender

Age: 13

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: C00l, silly, slightly aggressive, forgiving, and kinda depressed

Keep in mind that this OC ISN'T perfect; they strongly represent ME and my OWN personality traits more than they do any other inspirations. 

C00l - Nexus tries their best to fit in with the "it" crowd, often times losing their self-worth in the process.

Silly - Nexus is always one to make jokes and lighten up any tension in the air, whether it be bringing up any silly moments from the past or referencing an inside joke. 

Slightly aggressive - When it comes to being provoked (whether it be by a friend OR enemy), Nexus sometimes lashes out (rarely) and either begins to hyperventilate or yell insults at themselves.

Forgiving - When it comes to someone admitting their own faults or wrong-doings, Nexus is easy (almost TOO easy) to forgive and forget.

Kinda depressed - Nexus suffers from depression* and negative thoughts about their body and looks. 


- Green tea 

- Horror movies

- The Internet

- Romance novels


- Black coffee 

- Long ads on YouTube videos

- Homophobes

- Loud noises

Accessories:  A pan-colored bracelet, their "lucky" collar (they can't leave home without it), and their detachable rainbow hair streaks. 

Phobias (fears): Cloulrophobia (fear of clowns), Arachnophobia (fear of spiders), Trypophobia (fear of small holes), Emetophobia (fear of being sick or witnessing others's sickness), and the fear of their loved ones dying or being injured.

*Depression and anxiety are not traits to just "throw around" to make your character look "edgy" or "cool", they are real defects people suffer from and (knowing from experience) can seriously damage a person's mental state and ability to function properly. Nexus is an example of someone suffering from depressing thoughts and self-doubt, and is not in ANY WAY trying to be "emo" on purpose.
